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07- Minutes from the Various Boards Commisions and Committees
City Council
Agenda Packets
06 June
07- Minutes from the Various Boards Commisions and Committees
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4. Repoi-t and discisssion on°om PEDC regai-ding potential prospects and pi•ojects. <br />Steve Gilbert made report to advisory board. Mr. Gilbert stated the original proposal <br />made to the State of Texas regarding use of the airport is still pending, they have not heard <br />one way or another, and therefore he is still optimistic. Mr. Gilbert further stated he has <br />recently gone out and visited with Magnum Engines. They have a small shop near their <br />house and they are moving forward. Mr. Gilbert discussed with them the opportunities at <br />the airport. The business owners expressed a need for an integrated shop that could do <br />tear down avionics and build back. Mr. Gilbert is trying to set an appointment with a <br />repair, maintenance, and overhaul company located in Washin~,~ton D.C. to market <br />Coxfield. Mr. Gilbert further stated we should consider approaching the military bases to <br />visit with them regarding the advantages of using Coxfield. Jack Ashmore stated that <br />there is good money, however they do make a lot of noise and the citizens of Reno may <br />not appreciate the noise level. Fred Williams asked what could we gain by allowing this. <br />The noise level for citizens in Reno would be very high. Jack Ashmore stated that the <br />military pays good money for the use of private air fields. Fred Williams further stated he <br />is concerned over the amount of noise this type of use would generate. Steve Gilbert <br />stated in addressing the long range plans, if you know of a prospect or opportunity PEDC <br />will go after it. PEDC board wants to work close with the city to develop the 900 acre <br />tract at the airport. PEDC can offer help on how to secure funding and aggressively go <br />after development. They are willing to write proposals to develop the property at the <br />airport. <br />5. Report, discussion of and possible action on the sub-conamittee,findings regardirzg holding <br />an East Texas Broadcasting Event at the airport. <br />Jerry Coyle stated he has tried numerous times and have not been able to get with them. <br />Dave Johnson called on Tuesday for a meeting that day at the field, however, by the time <br />Mr. Coyle was able to contact him, and they had decided to wait unti] the fall to ]ook at <br />the field for a music venue to happen in the summer of 2012. No action taken. <br />6. Request items, for futisre agendas. <br />None <br />7. Adjourned at 6:00 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS ] 9" DAY OF MAY, 2011. <br />J Ashmore, Chairman <br />16 <br />
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