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within the last five years, all non-injury. After discussion Mr. Frierson made a <br />motion to recommend a stop sign be installed at the intersection of 3rd NW & <br />Provine to stop east and west bound traffic. Mr. Shiver second the motion and it <br />carried 4-0. <br />Mr. Holmes moved to item #6 regarding the discussion and possible action <br />concerning the installation of traffic calming device in 1800 block E. Polk. Mr. <br />Tuttle informed members that a resident in the area had made a complaint about <br />vehicles speeding and requested speed bumps be placed in the street. Mr. <br />Tuttle advised members that alert strips had been placed at that location several <br />years ago due to a disabled individual residing in the block. After discussion it <br />was decided by members that no action be taken. <br />Mr. Holmes moved to item #7 regarding future agenda items. There were no <br />future agenda items. Mr. Shiver did have a request that TXDOT be contacted to <br />review the traffic signal at 20th NE & Lamar. Mr. Shiver said he had received <br />complaints about traffic backing up to 17th & Lamar due to a possible timing issue <br />with the traffic light at 20th & Lamar. Mr. Tuttle stated he would report this to <br />TXDOT. Mr. Kohls had concern with thru truck traffic in violation of city <br />ordinance. Mr. Kohls was informed that Paris PD Officers had been made aware <br />of this issue. <br />Mr. Tuttle informed members that this was Mr. Frierson's last meeting as his term <br />on the Traffic Commission expires April 30, 2011. <br />At 5:36pm Mr. Shiver made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Frierson second the <br />motion. Motion carried 4-0. <br />- 12 <br />