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We wil] meet no more than four times over the course of the Phase 1 project plan <br />(attached) and foi- no more than 90 minutes in length. Each meeting will have an agenda <br />for the work to be done then and the feedback, decisions, and direction required from the <br />Committee. Upon completion of the firsi, kick-off session, we will sub-divide into three <br />working groups around key elements of the Initiative design - and ask that you take a <br />role in one of those working groups. Materials; briefing papers, and any information <br />requiring your attention will be provided at ]east one-week prior to each gathering. <br />Criticat Work of the Advisory Committee <br />In the capacity of `civic stewards/civic investors' - the critical work of the Advisory <br />Committee can be found by: <br />1) Focusing on the implementation of the findings and recommendations created <br />from Richard Seline's analysis and the input of the PEDC staff <br />2) Identification of priorities and spec-ific action steps; we tuiil identify 5-7 items on <br />which to launch the Initiative, not 20 nor 30 as some previous plans have <br />suggested or encouraged. Thus we wi11 be highly targeted <br />3) Performance metrics will be adopted for each part of the Initiative planning and <br />execution - simply if we cannot measure it then i# will not be included. <br />4) Investment of time, energy, and then resources is the pathway to success - we <br />need your ideas, thinking, networks outside of the region, and commitment <br />towards transforming the Paris regional economy through the Initiative. Only then <br />- based on the specifics - will resources be necessary to invest in the `business <br />plan.' <br />5) The Initiative WILL have a business plan approach - how much market-share we <br />are looking to attract in food and consumer good manufacturing, what is <br />necessary infrastructure and transportation to seek federal and state grants, where <br />do we take our `team' Lo recruit coznpanies and industry to Paris and what do we <br />offer them to become partners in our strategy? These and other questions will be <br />addressed in the plan. <br />6) An open mind to be innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial - this is not <br />traditional economic development - and therefore if we are to compete for jobs, <br />resources, investment, and companies - then we need to think like global <br />competitors and learn the `language', the methods, and the tactics that others have <br />adopted. Therefore this is as much a learning process as it is a implementation <br />planning scenario. <br />7) Some members will be asked to attend meetings in Austin or other locations as we <br />make progress towards the final draft of the initiative plan - and we look to your <br />interest and schedule for such participation. <br />Resources Available to the Advisorv Committee <br />Each meeting and working group session will have specific materials related to the <br />objectives of the Initiative planning process - and we ask that you take the time to review <br />these before attending. In turn, we will make available a number of documents and <br />suggested readings on the PEDC website for the Initiative. And finally, where and when <br />applicable - we will an•ange conference or video-links to subject matter experts around <br />54 <br />