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OPA News Release: Obama administration establishes White House Rural Council to stre... Page l of 1 <br />News Refease <br />OPA News Release: [06/09/2031] <br />Contad Name: Elizabeth Alexander <br />Phone Number: (202) 693-4675 <br />Release Number: 11-0894-NAT <br />Obama administration establishes White House Rurai Council to strengthen rural communities <br />WASHINGTON - The White House today announced the estabiishment of the first White House Rural Council. While rural <br />communities face challenges, they also present economic potential. To address these challenges, build on the administration's rural <br />economic strategy and improve the implementation of that strategy, the president signed an executive order establishing the White <br />House Rural Council. <br />"Strong rural communities are key to a stronger America," said President Barack Obama. "That's why I've established the White House <br />Rural Council to make sure we're working across government to strengthen rural communities and promote economic growth." <br />The White House Rural Council will coordinate programs across government to encourage public-private partnershlps to promote <br />further economic prosperiry and quality of life in rura{ communities nationwide. Chaired by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, the <br />council will be responsible for providing recommendations for investment in rural areas and will coordinate federal engagement with a <br />variety of rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, and state, local and tribal govemments. <br />"Rural America makes significant contributions to the security, prosperity and economic strength of our country," said Agriculture <br />Secretary Tom Vilsack. "The Rural Council announced by President Obama shows his continued focus on promoting economic <br />opportuniry, creating jobs and enhancing the quality of life for those who live in rural America. Together with the rest of the Obama <br />administration, USDA has worked to support families and businesses in rural communities so that their success will pay dividends for all <br />Americans." <br />In the coming months, the White House Rural Council wilf focus on job aeation and economic development by increasing the flow of <br />capital to rural areas, promoting innovation, expanding digital and physical networks, and oelebreting opportunity through America's <br />natural resources. The council will begin discussing key fadors for growth, including: <br />Jobs: improve job training and workforce devebpment in rural America. <br />Agriculture: expand maricets for agriculture, including regional food systems and exports. <br />Access to credit: increase opportunity by expanding aaess to capital in rural communities and fostering local investment. <br />Innovation: promote the expansion of biofuels production capacity and community-based renewable energy projects. <br />Networks: develop high-growth regional economies by capitalizing on inherent regional strengths. <br />Health care: improve access to quality health care through expansion of health technology systems. <br />Education: increase postsecondary enrollment rates and completion for rural students. <br />Broadband: support the president's plan to increase broadband opportunities in rural America. <br />Infrastructure: coordinate investment in critical infrastrudure. <br />Ecosystem markets: expanding opportunities for conservation, outdoor opportunities and economic growth on woricing lands and <br />public lands. <br />"Safe and healthy workplaces and a local workforce prepared for the jobs of the 21st century are vital to sustaining strong rural <br />communities," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "The Rural Council will help the Labor Department more effectivefy support <br />greater coordination among businesses, rural workers and government resources. The result will be safer, more innovative and more <br />competitive workplaces, and greater prosperity for our nation." <br />Since taking office, President Obama's administration has taken significant steps to improve the lives of rural Americans and has <br />provided broad support for ru21 communities. The Obama administration has set goals of modemizing infrastructure by providing <br />broadband access to 10 million Americans, expanding educational opportunities for students in rural areas and providing affordable <br />health care. In the long term, these unparalleled rural investments will help ensure that America's rural communities are repopulating, <br />self-sustaining and thriving economically. <br />View the Executive Order (PDF) <br />Freedom o! 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