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Paris Economic Bevelopment Corporation (PEDC) <br />Request for Proposals (RFP) <br />City of Paris, Texas Development Services Comprehensive Review <br />Augusr 20] o <br />2.The McKinney study was conducted by Zucker Systems, San Diego, CA at a cost of approximately $90,000. <br />PEDC should agree to fund at least half (if not all) of thc cost of the proposed study. Also interviewed werc <br />Management Partners, Cincinnati, OH and Matrix Consulting, Plano, TX <br />3."I'here must be an agreeinent and commitment of the City to implement the recommendations, similar to thc <br />contractual accountability and perfonnance PEDC reqtiires of companies who receive incentive funds <br />through PEDC. <br />4.AIso recomTnended is to forrn a"Blue Ribbon" Taskforce in conjunction with the City Council to coordinate <br />this effort and oversee implementation. <br />S.Finaily, these issues are critica] to PEDC's ability to be successful at business attraction, thereby increasing <br />newjob cieation and capital invcstments in Paris ancf Lamar County. <br />3 <br />41 <br />