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Regular Council Meeting <br />August 22, 2011 <br />Page 7 <br />17. First reading, deliberate and possibly act on ORDINANCE NO. 2011-034: AN <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, FIXING <br />THE TAX RATE AND TAX LEVY AND LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR <br />THE CITY OF PARIS FOR THE YEAR 2011 UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY <br />WITHIN THE CITY OF PARIS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CHARTER <br />PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS <br />AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; REPEALING ALL <br />ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND <br />PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Gene Anderson told the City Council that the Ordinance set the City of Paris tax rate at <br />52 cents per $100 of property value. He also said this was the fourth consecutive year to keep a <br />$0.52 tax rate, and that the tax rate had not been lower since 1996. <br />A Motion to invoke the super majority rule was made by Council Member McCarthy and <br />seconded by Council Member Pickle. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member McCarthy and seconded by <br />Council Member Pickle. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />18. Deliberate and accept the proposal from McClanahan and Holmes, L.L.P. to perform an <br />independent outside audit on the City's financial records for the periods ending <br />September 30, 2011, September 30, 2012, and September 30, 2013; and authorizing the <br />City Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary documents. <br />Gene Anderson said the City received one proposal and that it was from McClanahan & <br />Holmes, LLP. Mr. Anderson also said the estimated fee was $54,000 plus out-of-pocket <br />expenses such as postage and printing. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by <br />Council Member Wright. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />19. Report from Public Works Director Ron Sullivan. <br />Mayor Hashmi expressed appreciation to Mr. Sullivan for the work put into the report <br />citing that Public Works was a large department. Following the report, Ron Sullivan and Ed <br />Wayne Samis answered questions from City Council about recycling, sweeping streets, unpaved <br />roads, the process for trips to the landfill and clean up of the City. Mr. Samis said their plan was <br />to begin with cleaning up the intersections and then moving on to the thoroughfares. He said that <br />Bill Lorranger was first going to clean up the limbs, brush, etc. and that would be followed up <br />with street sweeping. Mr. Lorranger said it would take about two weeks to complete the first <br />part of the process. Mayor Hashmi said that he would like to participate and encouraged all <br />citizens to volunteer. <br />W- 11 <br />