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Report: Plan Review and Building Permit <br />Cycle Time <br />The Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) and the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) <br />are pleased to submit a final report in response to Steve Gilbert's request to provide the City of Paris <br />with an onsite Lean assessment of the building permit process cycle time. <br />Objective <br />The primary objective of this two day assessment was to collect actual data to determine the actual <br />building permit cycle time. <br />An additional objective was to perform extensive interviews with Shawn Napier, Director of Engineering, <br />Planning and Development, and Jeanna Scott to identify their pain points in the permitting process and <br />obtain their opinion of opportunities for improvement. <br />The assessment required the TMAC practitioner to evaluate the city's current administrative processes <br />and public resources to identify potential lean initiatives that may be used to improve service levels <br />and/or lowering cost by eliminate waste within the city's permitting operations. <br />These objectives clearly fall into the scope of work that TEEX has experience in accomplishing as a <br />member of the TMAC network and previous experience with similar processes at other cities within the <br />State of Texas. <br />Data Collection Process <br />Data was collected for the permits issued for Residential (new and remodel) and commercial (new and <br />remodel). The process used to collect the permit cycle time data was to actually pull each permit from <br />the file for a review. The data collected from the files was the customer actual request date as <br />compared to the permit issue date. All permits were reviewed from January 3`d 2011 through August <br />15`h 2011. <br />Projects less than 5,000 square feet are completed in house without a 3`d party plan review. Projects <br />greater than 5,000 square feet require 3`d party plan review. If 3`d party plan review is require the <br />process can take up to one month. The data collected only had 1 project for 2011 greater than 5,000 <br />square feet. <br />It was very obvious in the interviews and data collection process that both Shawn and Jeanna were <br />committed and open to any improvement ideas. They were very agreeable to reviewing the actual data <br />from the files so we had an accurate baseline of the cycle time. <br />They both were also open to discussion of some of their ideas and mine for possible improvements. <br />59 <br />2 <br />