~ limits line a distance of 1,078.384 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being a
<br />! distance of 500 feet north of the centerline of US Hwy 82 West, said point also being
<br />the-most westerly northwest corner of the existing Paris city limits line;
<br />THENCE South 65 Deg. 32 Min. 31 Sec. West, parallel to and 500 feet north
<br />of the centerline of US Hwy 82 West, a distance of 2,747.803 feet, more or less, to
<br />.i~a point, said point being in the existing Toco CTJ line;
<br />THENCE South Ol Deg. 07 Min. 56 Sec. East along the existing Toco ETJ
<br />line a distance of 1,089.007 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being a distance
<br />of 500 feet south of the centerline of US Hwy 82 West;
<br />THENCE North 65 Deg. 32 Min. 31 Sec. East, parallel to and 500 feet south
<br />of the centerline of US Hwy 82 West, a distance of 2,775.383 feet, more or less, to
<br />the point of beginning and containing 63.397 acres, more or less.
<br />Tract 11
<br />BEGINNING at a point in tlie existing Paris city limit line as described in
<br />Tract 3 of Ordinance No. 97-059, said point being in the west right-of-way line of US
<br />Hwy 271 North and the north right-of-way line of County Road 31700;
<br />THENCE East a distance of 7,432.445 feet, more or less, to a point in the
<br />west right-of-way line of County Road 41100 (Stillhouse Road); THENCE along the west boundary line of County Road 41100 (Stillhouse
<br />Road) as follows: South 02 Deg. 50 Min. 41 Sec. West a distance of 304.756 feet,
<br />more or less; South 18 Deg. 32 Min. 02 Sec. West a distance of 164.143 feet, more
<br />or less; South 33 Deg. 51 Min. 45 Sec. West a distance of 743.873 feet, more or less;
<br />South 38 Deg. 12 ]Vlin. 18 Sec. West a distance of 973.094 feet, more or less; South
<br />53 Deg. 58 Min. 14 Sec. West a distance of 2,504.014 feet, more or less; South 42
<br />Deg. 15 Min. 45 Sec. West a distance of 315.296 feet, more or less, to a point, said
<br />point being the intersection of the west boundary line of County Road 41100
<br />(Stillhouse Road) and the most easterly north boundary line of a 31.61 acre tract of
<br />land owned by the North Lamar Independent School District;
<br />THENCE along the nortli boundary line of said 31.61 acre tract, North 21
<br />Deg. 21 Min. 54 Sec. West a distance of 718.686 feet, more or less;
<br />THENCE along the north boundary line of said 31.61 acre tract, North 61
<br />Deg. 56 Min. 00 Sec. West a distance of 1,303,260 feet, more or less;
<br />` THENCE along the north boundary line of said 31.61 acre tract, Soutll 66
<br />Deg. 35 Min. 25 Sec. West a distance of 805.584 feet, more or less;
<br />THENCE along the north boundary line of 31.806 acre tract of land owned
<br />by the North Lamar Independent School District, North 78 Deg. 14 Min. 28 Sec.
<br />West a distance of 1,397.510 feet, more or less;
<br />THENCE along the north boundary line of said 31.806 acre tract, South 87
<br />Deg. 21 Min. 07 Sec. West a distance of 521.129 feet, more or less, to a point in the
<br />west boundary line of U.S. Highway 271 North;
<br />THENCE north along the west boundary line of U.S. Highway 271 North to
<br />the point of beginning and containing 399.323 acres, more or less.
<br />