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TIIGNCG northcrly ,ilonb the cast !'1bIlI-OI1V <br />-:ly I111C of the I3urlington <br />Northern Railroacl a distance o(' 3,667 feet to the place of beginning, contlining <br />359.67 acres. <br />TrqcLIt <br />T3GCINNINC at (he exisling Paris eity limits line at US I-1wy 19/24 Soutlt <br />and I.,oor 286 S.W., sciicl noint heing SOO feet soull, of the cenlerline of the outsidc <br />lane of Loon 286S.W, ;und 500 fret east of (he eentrrline of the riblit-of-way of US <br />Hwy 19i24 sotit>>; . <br />'I'I-IrNCG southrrly, piril►el to ;incl 500 feet east ol'the centerline of the <br />ri6ht-of-way of US 1Cwy 19/24 Sou(li, a distance of 7,563 feet to a point; <br />TFIGNCr westerly, Parallcl to the norlh ribht-of-way ]ine of Cotmty Roacl <br />21400, a distance ol' 1,073 ilect to a point, <br />'I'11rNCG noriherly, parallel ro and 500 I'cct west of the centerline of the <br />ri6ht-of-way o!' US 1Iw 19/21 <br />~ . , <br />Y South, a distance of 7,779 I'cct to the existing Paris <br />city limits linc; <br />TlII:NCG catiterly ilon6 thc csisting 1';iris city lim;ts line a distance of <br />],114 fcct to fhc place of hcginnin6. containing 179.55 acres. <br />'1_'__r•;t c~ <br />R1:GINNINC .it thc cxisting Paris city limits linc at Tlvi 195 North, saicl <br />Point Ueinb 2,868 fcet 1101"t110st ol' tlic intersection of the centerline of 1=M 195 <br />North inQ thc soulh ri6ht-of-wly line of SPtn• 139 ancl 621 feet east of the <br />centerline of I-M 195 North; <br />'1'1IGNCG westerly along (he cxistinb Paris city limits line to its intersection <br />tvith lhe centerlinc o!' TM 195 Narlh a distance of G21 fect, and continuing westerly <br />a distance of 614 Ceet, in all 1,235 I'eet to a point; <br />`1'IIGNCG nortlierly, rarallcl to 7nQ 500 fret west of [he centerline of rM <br />195 Norih, a distance ol' 12,4 19 I'cet ro the south right-of-way line of County Roacl' <br />42450 (Amherst Roacl); <br />"f1IENCG soulherly AlOllb IIIC 1VCSI 1'Ibllt-OI-1VIly I Ille OI'County Road 42,150 <br />(llmhcrsl l2oa(l) a distance oI' S IO Icct lo tl►c ccntcrlinc of t=M 195 North; <br />TI1GNCr southcisterly, on line rerrcncJicul:►r to tlic centerline of rM 195 <br />North, adisiancc of 500 fcet to apoiilt; <br />TI IGNCG sowhwestcrly, parallcl to and 500 lect southeast of the centerline <br />of rM 195 North, a distance ol'7,526 fcct to a point in the cxisting Rcno city limits <br />linc as dcscribccl in OrQin.ince No. 114 of ihc City of P.eno, pissed and adopted on <br />the 151h day ol' Dccemhcr, 198:3; <br />TIIINCT tvesterly alonb Ilie cxistinb llcno city lirnits line as described in <br />said OrQinancc No. 114 a distance of 229 fcet*to apoint; <br />'f IIGNCG northerly ,ilong fhc existing Reno ciry limits line as clescribed in <br />saicl Ordinance No. ] 14 a distance of 300 feet to 1 roint; <br />THI:NCI: southwcstcrly alonb ihc cxisting rM 195 North right-of-way and <br />along the existing Rcno city liniils line as dcscriheQ in s.iicl Ordinince No. 114 a <br />clist.lllCC 0(' 354.3 Icct to a point; <br />T(fGNCI: southerly along the existing Reno ciiy limits line as dcscribed in <br />s:ticl Ordinance No. 114 a distance of,I39 Icct to ,t point, saicl point hcittb 500 fect <br />south of the centerline ol' FM 195 North; <br />TItENCf: soiithwesterly, paralle( to aiiei 500 1'eet southeast of lhe centerlinc <br />of rM 195 North, ,i distance ol' 3,224 lect ro thc pI:icc o1' hc6inninb, containing <br />265.96 acres. <br />14 <br />:r~' <br />