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Annexation Ordinances
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<br />TIIGNCG southerly alons thc existing Paris city limits linc a distincc of 500 <br />. fcct to a Point; <br />TIiGNCG ~v~~sterly, ~ar111e1 to :lncl 500 lcet soulh of (he CenterlinC of US <br />. lTwy 82 West, a distance o!'3,667 fcet ta ihe cist right-ol=way line of Count Rold <br />. <br />: 22900; Y <br />. T1IC;NC1: nor(herly .ilonb !hc east ribht-of-tivcty linc of County Road 22900 <br />to its intcrscction with ehc ccnterline of US f fwy 82 West a distance of 500 feet, <br />. ancl continuinb with fhc east ribht-of-wiy linc of County Road 32100 a distance of <br />500 I'cct, in al) 1,000 fcct to a point iii the east right-of-way linc of Count Ro,td <br />. 32100, siic1 point bcing 500 1'eet nor(h of [he centerline of US Hwy 82 Wc t• <br />TI-ICNCG casterfy, pm rallcl to anc1 500 fcet north of lhe ccnterline of US <br />Fiwy 82 Wcst, a ciistancc ol'7,997 ('cct to the existing Paris city limits line; <br />TFICNCf; souUicrl alon ~ <br />Y b thc cxisting Paris city limits line a distince.of 571 <br />. 1'eet to the pl;ice of bebinning, conraininb 136.981 acrc;s. <br />. Tr.1cc 2 <br />. <br />. BrCINNINC at the existing PIlf1S CI(y IIIIUIS IIqC 1t US ICwy $2 WCSC 111(J <br />' Loon 286 N.W., S1icl point bejng 600 feCt weS[ of the centcrline oFthe outside lane <br />of I_oop 286 N.W. ancl 500 feet nor(h of [he centerline of US IIwy 82 Wcst• <br />' THr:rver• wes,eriy, nar,i~~~~ ~o and 500 feet norlh of Ihe centcrline of US <br />l-Iwy 82 Wcst, a clist;tncc of 2,004. fcct to npoillt; <br />'I'HrNCE nor(hcrly, rarallcl co anc12,OOp lect wcst of thc'existing Paris city <br />limits line, a distancc of 10,357 Icet ro its intersection wich thc south right-of wl <br />line ol' 17M 79, whith city liniits linc is 600 Icet west ol' ancl pirallel to the <br />crntcrline o(' Ihc outsidc lane of Loop 286 N.1'V.; <br />1'I-iF:NCI: sou(hcasterly along thc south ribht-of-wy line of rM 79 a <br />clistance of £08 fcet to apo;nt, <br />; T)ir:tver•_ souti,erly ilong (he existinb P,u•is city limits line a distancc of <br />1,567 1'ect to a point; <br />"1'I IrNCr eastcrly along 1hc cxisting P.►ris city lim;cs linc a distance of 453 ' <br />feet to si point; <br />T(IENCG southerly alonb thc existinb Paris cily limits line a distance of 775 <br />fcet to thc ccntcrlinc of the outsiQe lanc of 1_o0p 286 N,Vy/.. <br />. TI-IrNCI? wcsterly along the existing Paris city limits line and the centerline <br />of the rnutsiQc Ianc of 1_oop 286 N.W. a distancc of 456 fcct to a point; <br />"1'HrNC(: northcrly ,ilong lhc existinb Paris ciry limits linc a distance of 7GG <br />fect to a point; <br />TIMNCG southcrl ~lon T <br />y~ b the existing P.iris city Iimils line, parallel to and ~ <br />. 600 feet west of the centerline of the outsicle lane of Loop 286 N.W., 1 distanee <br />: 7,893 fret to the placc of hcbinninb, containin~ 445.56 acrrs. <br /> <br />`1'rac 3 ' <br />• I3rCINNINC at apoint in thc south right-of-my linc of 1'M 1499 and tlle <br />' east risht-of-way linc of lhc f3urlinbton Nrn•(hcrn Railrotul; <br />. '1'1(GNCG eisterly alonb thc sou(h ribht-ol=~vay linc of rM 1499 a distancc <br />of I,364 fect to a Point; <br />'ff IL;NCr southerly, pnrallcl to and 500 fcrt east ol' thc centcrline of tlie <br />right-o1=way of US llwy 271 South, a clistancc of 13,799 fcct to apoint; <br />; TFII:NCE wcstcrfy to the cxisting C'aris cily limits line a distince of 500 feet <br />to a point; <br />~ TIIGNCI; wcstcrly along thc cxisting Paris city limics line and tlie nortli <br />. right-of-way line cYf County Po:ld 31700 1(IlSf111CC O(' GOS feet to apoint; <br />7'I1rNCG northerly, p,1raUe1 to and 500 fcct west of the centerline of lhc <br />: r;bht-of-way of US I-Iwy 271 North, a distance ol' 10,125 fect to apoint; <br />• "1'I-IENCI: weslerly a1ong thc centcrlinc of fhe cxisting Pinc Creck a distance <br />. •of 924 fcct to thc east ribhf-oI'-my line ol'the 13urlington Northern Railroad; <br />. 13 ~ <br />< <br />P- <br />
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