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. M120 L <br />by and hefore thc City Council of Ihe Cit of Paris Paris, <br />of Oetober, 1997, at S:pO p.m,, on flie nartheast corner of ihc ~intersee1e ~Otli day <br />lSOF and US Iltivy 271 South; ;uul tion of rM <br />"!'!'d1 <br />by and before Ille City Council of the City of Paris, Paris, Tcxas, on the 11 th day <br />of Ocrobcr, 1997, at 9:30 ;i.m., on f1ic ilorth siclc of County Ro.ul 31700 (Lnke <br />Crook Roa(l),wcst of thc railroad crossing, aPproximatcly GUO fcct'west of US l.Iwy 271 Nor(h; <br />, <br />which dates arc not morc th,in lorty (40) nor less thcin lwenty (20) cliys pi•ior to the instittition of <br />annexation proceedinss; ancl, ~ <br />Wrir,R1:AS, noiicc of snch public hejrin~gs was puhlishecl in a newspaper havin <br />eireulation in the city oI' P.►ris, Texas, ind in the above-cleseribecl territory, on lhe 21st 1nc1 28111 <br />clays of Septemher, 1997, Nvliich clates are not morc ihan twcnty (20) nor Icss Ih:►n tcn (10) clays <br />prior to the dates ol'such puhlic he,irings; ;incl, <br />WIIERI,AS, [he 101.11 corrot•,ite ire,i of thc Ci(y al' I'aris, P;iris, Texas, on the ist cfay of <br />January, 1997, was ! 8,q57.6 acres; ancl, , <br />WIIT;RT'sAS, the porul.ilion ol'tlie Ci(y of Paris, Paris, Texas, is in excess of 25,000 and <br />less (han 50,000 1I1111I)if1111S, as clctcrmincQ by '1'exas Depirtment af Commerce, State Data <br />CCIIIC!'; 1(Id, <br />bVIllsTtT:AS, [he abovc-clcstribecl terrilory lics within ~he exh•;iterritorial juriscliction of <br />the City of I'ciris, (',iris, Tex;is; and, <br />tiVIII;RI?AS, the ahovc-clesrribeQ territory lies acl_j;icenl to nnd adjoins the Ciry c~f I'aris, <br />Paris, Texas; ;incl, <br />, <br />WYYI;RI:AS, thc ahove-clesrribecl territory contains 5,389.03I acres, more or Iess, which, <br />whcn aclclccf 10 olhcr property ,innexcQ in thc ycar 1997, is Icss thirty percent (30!) oF tlle <br />nresent acreage containccl in fhe corporatc limits of (lie City of P,tris, 1'aris, Texis; ancl, <br />WIiI?rtrAs, a service plan provicfing I'01- thc extrnsion of municir.►1 services to the above- <br />clescribed territory shoulQ he aprrovccl; ancl, <br />W1(I.RT;AS, the abovc-clcscj.ibccl ProPer(y shoulcl he ro ~erl , I <br />annexition; NO'~'N, Tll],RT;I~ORr, . r I y~oned ~ts of' th~ clate of <br />IZ1; I'I' ORDAIN(:n 11Y'f II[; CI'1'Y COUNCTL Or'I'IT1: Cf'1'Y Or PARiS: <br />Scction I. Thc l1ollcnving-dcscribecl I:inQ and lcrritory lying aclj;iccnt to and adjoining thc <br />City of Paris, 1'aris, Tcxas, is herehy ;ulcled and :innexed to fhe Ciey of P;u•is, 1'aris, Texas, and <br />~ <br />sc►icl ttrritory hcrcinal'tcr clcscribccl shall hcrcal'tcn ce incluclccl within thc bounclary limits of (hc <br />Cily of P,u•is, f',iris, '1'cxas, and the present bounclary limils ol'saicl City, at the virious points <br />conliguous to Ihc arc,~a hcrcin;ifter clcscrihrcl, ;u•c ,►Itcrcd and ,imcnclcQ so as to includc saicl ttrea <br />tvilhin thc cornrn•atc limi(s of (hc Cily ol' I':u•is, P;iris, 'I'ex,is, to-tivit: ~ <br />'1'r:tcl 'I <br />[3ECINN1NG at lhe existing Paris city l;mics line at US I lwy 82 West and <br />Loop 2£6 N. W., S:iicl point hcinb 600 feet west of lhe ccnte►•line of (he outsicle Ianc <br />o1' Loop 286 N. W. ; <br />TI IfiNCE wetilc:rly ;ilonb (hc ccnfcrlinc nl' US I lwy $2 Wcst .i distance of <br />. 4,:317.5 I'cct to n point; <br />12 <br />_ p:; <br />