hy anQ bcfore the City Council uf thc City or Paris, Paris, Texas, on the 901 c1iy
<br />of.Ocroher, 1997, at 4:00 p.m., on ehe northe;ist corner of ihe intersection of r-M
<br />ISlO ancl US I-fwy £2 Wcst;
<br />"~.'MC-L?
<br />hy anQ bel'ore thc City Council of lhc Cily of Paris, Paris, Tcxas, on the 91h day
<br />01' Octobcr, 1997, at 5:00 p.m., on tiic norIh sidc ol' Counly l:oad 31100 (O1Q
<br />Tisertown Roacl), ,iPProximatcly 600 fcet.west or its intersection with Loop 2$6
<br />N.W.,
<br />Trjjtt 3
<br />by inQ bcforc ihe City Council or ihc Cicy o!' Paris, 1':iris, '1'exas, on tlie tli day of Ocrober, 1997, ;it 9:00 a.m,, ae (lie roadside pirk loc.itecl on the northwest
<br />corncr of ihc intcrscction of Cc~unty Ro,ud 31700 (L;il;e Crool; I:
<br />271 Nurlh; oacl) and US Ilwy '
<br />'1'r.~cl. a •
<br />by ancl hcforc thc City Council or the City of P,
<br />au•is, P,
<br />Iris, Tcxas, on the 11 th d,iy
<br />of' Octc~her. 1997, at ! I:00 a.m., o,l iIie northc~st corner of the intersection of
<br />Counry Roicl 11400 ancl US 1fwy 19/24 South;
<br />by ;ind hefore (he City Council of !he Cily ol' 1'aris, P:iris, Texas, on the ]3th da
<br />of'Octobcr, 1997, ;it 9:30 a.m., on thc wcst si(le ol' TM 195 at ihc Paris City Limits
<br />sibn, ;ipProximatc(y 1 milc norfh of I_ool) 286 N.E.;
<br />~~xL-()
<br />• by and bel'ore Ihe City Council of thc City of 1'aris, 1'aris, Tcxas, on the lOlh d1y
<br />: of October, 1997, at 4:00 p.m., on the soullicast corncr of ihe intersection of rM
<br />1508 anQ US f lwy 271 South;
<br />. ~
<br />'r,•,U 7
<br />hy and bcl'orc !hc City Council of thc City of Pa►•is, Paris, Tcxas, on the lOth clay
<br />of'October, 1997, at 10:30 a.m., on Ihc soutlt siclc of US 1lwy 82 131st across from '
<br />lhe "Welcome to Pll•is" sign, 3nProxim,itcly 1 milc east ol' I_oop 286 N.1:.;
<br />Tr~sL _
<br />hy ancl bcfore tllc City Council of ihc City ol' Paris, I';iris, Tcxns, on the lOth day
<br />ol' October, 1997, at 8:30 a.m., on thc norih side of US I-Iwy 82 I:ast by thc
<br />"Welcome to P;u-is" sign, nppmximatcly 1 milC cast of Loor 286 N.E.;
<br />TraeL
<br />by ancl bcfore thc City Council of Ihc City of I'aris, Paris, Tcxis, on thc 13th d;►y
<br />of October, 1997, at 2;00 p.m,, at fhe nor(hcast corncr of the intersection or
<br />County Raacl ~13600 (AraPaho Ro,id) anQ US Ilwy 82 l:;ist;
<br />Tr1c.1 1(1 .
<br />by .ind hefore thc City Council or the City o(' Paris, P,u•is, Texas, on Ihe 131h clay
<br />ol' October, 1997, at 4:00 r.m., on the south sidc or US I-[wy 82 Cast,
<br />ipproxini,:tcty 4.2 niilc, cast oi' l..oop 186 N.r.;
<br />.r,•a cL 11
<br />by anQ bc(Orc thc City COunci( of ihc Cily or T';u•is, P.iris, Tcxas, on the 13th dtty
<br />of October, 1997, at £:30 a.m,, on the west side of FM 195 at fhe Paris City T_imits
<br />sign, arproximatcly 1 mile north ol' 1_00p 296 N.I'-,.;
<br />,
<br />
<br />f
<br />~p
<br />