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'1~ • . . ~ . . , <br />.~'..~r,~~. ~ ~ • . . . . . ' . . , . . ' <br />; <br />TI-1GNCr nortl)erly ,ilons the existins Reno city limits line a distance of <br />600 fect ro a Point in thc so <br />th <br />i <br />u <br />r <br />ght-of way linc of County RoaQ 12100 Old <br />CL•irksville Roacl); ( <br />• <br />`'1'F(rNCI: westerly along thc, existing iZcno city limils line and the south <br />right-of-way line of County Road 12100 (Qld CI.►rksvill <br />R <br />c <br />o1(1) i Qistancc of 2,814 <br />feet'to .i point, s;iicl point heing 150 feet wcst of the intersection of the south right- <br />of-way line of Count <br />lZo <br />! 1210 <br />~ <br />y <br />ac <br />0 (Old Clarksville P.oa(l) anc] the west ri ht-oF- <br />way line of County Roicl 12120 (Key 1Vest RoaQ or 13th Street S <br />W <br />' <br />„ <br />. <br />. in P.eno); <br />fIIGNCG northe,-ly, par.►lIcl to ancl 150 I'rct west of the west right-of-way <br />line of Counry Roacl 12120 (1Ce <br />W <br />y <br />cst P.oacl or 131h Street S.W. in Reno 1 <br />distancc of $87 leet to a Point in Ihc north righl-of-way line of the former Missouri-~ <br />Pacirc Railroad; <br />TE1LNCl? southwesterly ;ilong fhe north right-ol'-way line of the former <br />Missouri-Pacilic Pailroid :i clist <br />ince of 5,81~E fect to the existing Paris city Jimits <br />lineas estahlished by Orclinancc No. 1816 of ihe City of P;iris <br />, passed ancl ado tecl <br />on thc 3rc1 clay o(' 1'ebrumry, 1967• p <br />Trrr:tvcr: souci,eascerly ,tlong ihe existing Paris city limiis line a distancc <br />of 1 <br />089 feet to a <br />i <br />, <br />Po <br />nt; <br />. <br />TI-IGNCI: southe,-ly a1ong ihe existing Pai•is city I;m;ts line 1 distlnce of 430 <br />feef to 1 roint iil the norlh ri <br />ht-Of- <br />li <br />' <br />. <br />s <br />Way <br />nc o( <br />US Elwy 271 South, s,iiQ point being <br />anrroximarely 1,635 leet easterly of s;iicl highwa <br />' <br />- <br />y <br />s north right-of-way line' <br />intersection wilh fhc south right-ol=way linc of thc former.Missouri-Pacific <br />Railroacl; <br />. . <br />, <br />TFIrNCG southcastcrly alons the norih right-of-way linc of US T-Iwy 271 <br />S~ulh ;uul (hc cxisting P;iris cit <br />limit <br />li <br />' <br />y <br />s <br />ne a clistanrc of 7,496 fret to the place o1' <br />bebinning, cont:iining 1,228.89:icres. <br />• <br />Inn ! 1 ~ <br />J31:CiNNWC ;it a point in thc norlh ribht-of-wly line of L,ake Crook Ro;►d, <br />the c;xisting Paris City limils liiie, and thc wesl rishc-of way line of tlie ICiamichi ~ <br />r.aiiroad; <br />`l'llr:rvc.r: noi-ii,crly :ilons the norlh riSh[-of-way linc of Lakc Crook Ra,id <br />nd Ihe existins Paris city limits linc a clistcunce of 8,740 Icet ro a point in the south <br />ribht-ol=way linc of County Roacl 32900; <br />Tf 11'NCf' 3, easterly cilons ihe south right-o(=way line of County Poad 32900 <br />a distance ()f 1,966 I'ret to apo;nt; <br />T(11;NCG soulherly ;ilong thc wcst right-of-wiy linc ol'County RoaQ 32900 <br />a distance ol' 91 G I'eet to a Point; <br />'I'ITrNCG eastcrly along ihc soulh ribht-ol=way linc of County Roac] 32900 <br />a distance of 2,154 fcct to a roint; r~ <br />THGNCE, soulherly'along the west ribht=Of-way line of County Roac! 32900 <br />a dist:►nce of 588 ('ect to a point; <br />TFIrNCG easterly along thc soulh ribht-ol=way lirie of County ]toacl 32900 <br />a dist;ince of 713 Icct ro apoint, saicl point bcins 500 I'cct xvesc of the centcrline of <br />thc right-af-wsiy o(' US f lwy 271 Norih; <br />TIII:NCI; soulhcrly, par;illcl to ancl 500 fccl tvcst ol' 1he centcrline of thc <br />right-of-w:iy ol' US Ifwy 271 Norih, a elistance ol' 5,745 fcet to the place of <br />bcginninb, containing 4£4 acres. <br />wcre hclcl at Paris, Tcxas, by and heforc thc !'lanning inci 7..uning Commission of the Cicy of <br />Paris, P;u•is, Texas, on lhe Gth day O(' OetOber, 1997, .it 5:30 p.m, in the City Couneil Chambers, <br />City H;ill, 135 ]st Street S.r., P;u•is, '1'cxas; by ancl before the City Council of the City of P;tris, <br />Paris, Texas, in Regular Scssion convcned on ihe 9111 d1y of Octobcr, 1997, at 6:00 P.m, in thc <br />City CounCil Ch8I11bCrS, City FIa11, 135 !st Sh•cel S.C., 1'qris, 1'exas; and, hy and before the City <br />Couneil oF the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, in l:egul:tr Session convened on the ]:3th d,iy of <br />October; 1997, at 6:00 P.m, in the City Council Chambers, City 11.i11, 135 lst Street S.L•'., Piris, <br />`!'exas,. and in cach tract as 1'ollows: <br />]0 <br />' <br />n <br />