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Annexation Ordinances
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Tl-(rNCI: South 45 Dcb. 34 Min. 00 Sec. Gast I clistance of 173.33 feet <br />• along a fencc line to roint; <br />TIIENCG Soudh 00 Dc6. 33 Min. 1I0 Scc. Last n clistnnce of 1,531.69 feet <br />, along a fcnce line to a noint; <br />. <br />. 'I'I-lCNCE- South 88 Deb. Op Aqin. 30 Sec. Gast a distance of 279,36 feet <br />along a fenee line to ;t point; <br />'fHrNCE Souih 82 Dcb, 41 Min. 25 Scc, l:asc a clistance of 601.45 feet <br />. .►Icm6 lencc line to ,t roint, s,iicl POint heing in the existing I'aris city limits line, <br />ancl cantinuing a clistancc ol'20~I feet to a point in fhe ~vcst ri~;ht-of-~vay linc of 1=M <br />2121; <br />TI-II:NCE northerly alonb thc wcst ribht-of-way line ol' FN( 2121 a distance <br />ol'~t,223 feet tc~ :l point in s~iicl ~~~cst right-o(=~v~y line, saicl ~oint bcing 838.8 feet <br />south li•om the south right-of-way line of ihe former Missouri-Pacif ie Railrold and <br />a l s o b e i n g 1/ 2 m i l e f r o m th e s o uth w es t corncr o f thc existing Sun VaUey city limits <br />~ line; <br />; ~ <br />: 'I'FII:NC1: along a curve to the Icft wilh a radius ol'2,640 feet and i distance <br />of 2,795 I'ect to a Point in thc soutli ribht-ot=wa line of US I-Iw 82 <br />curve at all times heing 1/2 mile from the soutlyvest corner of tl e ex st n, Sun <br />Valley city limits line, an4 saicl c~int hein ~ g <br />n b1,352 feet west of thc intersection oF <br />• thc wcst right-ol=way linc ol' County P.oad 2121 with thc south ribht-of-way li»e <br />ol' US llwy 82 f:asr, <br />. ~ TIIfsNCf: weste►•ly alonb thesoulh ribhl-of-w:ty linc of US I-Iwy 82 East 1 <br />Qistancc of 1I,5:39 feet to [he ~~lace oi' bebinnin~;, containin6 irProXimately 703.13 <br />, 1CrCS. <br />. '►'!'~~L1__1 <br />. 13rCTNNfNC at apoint in Ihe existing I';►ris city limits line, said point <br />bcing at thc intersection of thc renterlinc ol' 1'M 195 Nurth and the south right-ot= <br />. way line of Spur 139; <br />~ TI-1GNCE wcsterly alonb thc south rishl-of-way linc of Spur 139 and llie~ <br />existing Paris city limils line a disrance 2,670 feet to apoint; <br />~ 1'HGNCG northwesterly along the existing P;iris city limits line a distanee <br />of 763 1'cct to a Point; <br />THENCE, castcrly, par,illel to ancl 500 feet nor.lh of the south ribht-of-way <br />line of Spiir 139, a disr,inee of 3,119 feet to apoint; <br />TFII:NCG northeasterly, par.illel to ancl 500 feet west of fhe centerline of <br />rM 195 North, a clistance ol'2,218 1'cet lo apoint; <br />TFIf:NCG easterly ,i clist.ince of 614 feet to the ccrnrrline of 1'M 195 North <br />and the existing Paris city limits line; <br />•'i Ti-TENCG southwcsterl ` <br />. Y alonb th4,ccntcrline of FM 195 North and thc <br />existing Paris city limits line a clistance of 2,8C8 feet ro the place of beginning, <br />' containing 60,15 acres, <br />,ri-act 12 <br />1313CINNING ;il Ihe inlcrsetfion of lhc nortli riSht-o1=wtiy linc of US ifwy <br />271 South and Ihc norlh right-ol=way linc of FM 1508; <br />TIIGNCr caslcrly along thc norlh ri9ht-o(=way linc of rM 1508 and !hc <br />exislins Paris city limits line .i clistance ol' 1,503 feet ro a noint in the west <br />bound;iry linc of Cox r-iclc! Airport; <br />TIIf NCE norlhc:rly along ,tfic. cxisting P,u•is city limits linc and west <br />bounclary line Of Cax lield /1irPort;;i clistanee of 4,319 feet to apoint in the <br />cxistinb Reno citye-lirnits line, saicl point bcing 600 fcet souih of [lic south ribht-of <br />way line of County Road 12100 (Olcl Clarksville Roacl); <br />. . 'fTifiNCG wcstcrly, parallel roancl 600 leet soulh of thc soulh ribht-of way <br />. lipc of Counly Road 12100 (Olcf Clarksville PO;id), a distince of 3,574 feet to a <br />~ Point in lhe existing'Rcno city limits linc; <br />9 <br />P- ~ <br />
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