. . , ~ . . ' ~ : .
<br />TFfI:NCG south along thc cast houndary liiie ol'said Coston tract a distincc
<br />of 2A0 fect to a Point, s,~id ~~oint bcing tlic most catitcrly sou(heast corner oF said
<br />Cnslon [ract;
<br />"I'IIrNCE wc:sterly along the soulh bound,iry liiie of saic! Coston traet a
<br />distince of 329 feet to a point in the cxisiing Reno city limits line as shown on
<br />r:Xnibie n ro siici "Agrecment Apporlioninb Gstriterritorial Jurisdiction Overlap";
<br />'T'IIGNCE souihci•ly, rarallc;l to arnl 500 fcct c;ist of thc cast right-of-way
<br />liiie of rM I508 ancl ;i1ong said agreecl-iipon existing Reno eiiy limits line, a
<br />distance of 1,056 feet to apoint in the existing Paris city limits line, said point
<br />bcing in ihe north boundary liiie of lhc Cox Pielcl Airport proPcrty as described in
<br />deecl from the Unitecl States of America to the Ciry of 1';tris, recorded in Volume
<br />308, Pagc 287, Dced P.ecords, Lamar County, Texas, and heing che same property
<br />annexed into the City ol' Paris ,ind described in OrcJinlnce No. 2169 of thr.,City of
<br />Paris, passecl ancl adopted on the lOeh day of llccember, 1973;
<br />TIIrNCr westerly along Ihe cxistinb Paris city limits line and the north ~
<br />hounclttry line of said Cox rielcl Airport property and alon6 the soutli boundary line
<br />of said agrecd-upon existing Reno city limits line in all a distance of 500 fect to a
<br />point in the east right-of-way liiie of FM 1508;
<br />THGNCG alonb the e:tst ribht-of-tvay line of I'N( 1508 a distance of
<br />aprroximltCly 173 1CCt to apoinc, sajcl pUjn( hClllg [lle I1oClI1\l'CSI COfQCf OP:! CIIICCI
<br />10 acre tract Qescrihed in clred iic~m the Paris, Texas (ndustrial roundation, Inc,
<br />to Abnro, Inc., dated Ocrober 16, 1972, ancl ,•ecorcled in Volume 54 1, Page 574,
<br />Deed Rerords, Lamar County, '['exas;
<br />T(IGNCL continuing ,ilong the cast ribht-of-way ►inc of rlvf 1508 and thc
<br />west houndary liiie oi'said ngrro tract as follrnvs: South 1 distance of 459 fcet;
<br />Soulherly arouncl .i rurvc to thc right a clistancc of 227 fect; South 7 Deg. Gast ct
<br />clistance of 43 1'cet; Soutlicrly arounQ a curve ro thc; Icl't a Qistance of ]SC feet to ,i
<br />concrete marker; South a clistince of 11.5 fcct to the existing Paris city limits line
<br />ancl Cox rielcl nirport nroperty line;
<br />THGNC1: North 89 Deg. 56 N(in. 40 Sec. Tast a distance of 400.00 feet ro
<br />1 point, saiel point heinb the southeast corner ol's,iid Abpro tract; '
<br />T1II:NCr Norih 00 Dcb. 19 Min. 35 Sec. West a distance of 1,025.00 feet
<br />to a point, s;iicl point heinb thc norlhcast corncr of saiQ Agpro tract;
<br />TIIrNCI: South 89 Deb. SG Min. 40 Sec. Wcsc a distance of 124.92 feet
<br />to an cll corner in thc; saic! Cox ricld Airport propcrty;
<br />THENCI's North 00 neg. 33 Min. 00 See. West a clistance of 189.11 teet
<br />to a paint, saicl Point heing thc northwest corner o(' said Cox Field Airport
<br />property;
<br />THGNCC: Norih 87 neg. 35 Min. 20 Sec, r;ist a clistance of 3,018.97 fert
<br />along a fence liiie to a point;
<br />TIII3NCI: South 02 neg..03 Iviin. ]0•`Sec. Cast a clistance of 101.80 feet
<br />alon6 a I'ence liiie to a noi'lit;
<br />"]'1IGNCG North 89 Deb. 52 A9in. 25 Scc. Lasl a clist:unre o(' 1,516.48 fect
<br />along a fcncc linc to apoint;
<br />THI'sNCE South 43 Deg. 39 Min. 30 Sec. Gast .t elistance of 224.28 feet
<br />-tlonb ,
<br />i fence liiie to a Point;
<br />TIiCNCE Norlli 89 De6. 4 1 N(in, p_S Sec, t:ist a distance af 990.06 feet
<br />110t16 1 PCIICC 1111C t0 ,i pmint;
<br />TH1;NCf.; Sourh 53 neg. 37 Min. OS Sec. Gast i clistance of 165.41 fec;t
<br />alonb a fence liiie ro a noint;
<br />TTIrNCr Sauth 88 Dcg, 1 1 N1in. 30 Scc. Easc a clistaluc of 733.79 feet
<br />along a fence liiie to apoint;
<br />TIII7-NCT: South 52 Deb, 41 Min. 30 Sec. East a distamce of 85.30 feet
<br />atanb a fence linc. to a point; .
<br />TFII'sNCE.Soulh 04 Deb. 35 Min. 40 Sec. West a clistance of 144.23 feet
<br />along a fcncc liiie !o apo;nt;
<br />TI11?NCG Souch 99 Dcb. 24 Min. 25 Sec. Gast a clistancc of 114.21 fect
<br />.,~long a fence line to 1 poin(;
<br />8
<br />;
<br />p
<br />