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T►•l'ict 9 <br />. I3E-CINNINC at the north ribht-o1=w:►y line oi' US lfwy 82 East, S:ll(I poiiit <br />being 2,640 feet cast of (he cist ribht-of-way line of County Roac142600 (Mt. Olive <br />Roa(i or Gth Strcct N.E. in 12cno); <br />, <br />'f1iCNCG eastcrly along the norlh risht-of-way linc of US IIwy 82 C1st a <br />distance of 1,665 1'eet ro a po;nt, sriid poiiit be,ng a d;stlnce of 2,744 feet from the <br />southwest corncr of ihc cxisting Sun VaIlcy cily limits I;,ic, saicJ point also being <br />in a fcncc line; . <br />TIIF:NCG north wilh saicl fcncc linc i distance ol'6£0 fcet to a point, said <br />point beinb in the oribinal Paris E.T.J. as cstnblishecl by thc annexation of the Cox <br />I=ieid Airport nronerty in Orclinance No. 2169 of the City of Paris, nissed and <br />acioptrcl on thc lOtli clay ol' Decembcr, 1973; <br />TTIf:NCG westerly ilong the Paris R.T.J. estahlished hy the aforementioned <br />annexation a distancc o('342 I'cct to ti Point, saicl poiiit hcinb 1/2 mile from the most <br />norlherly southtvest corner of the exisling Sun V.illey city limits line; <br />'I'IiENCI. norfhcrly, paraUcl with ancl 1/2 milc wcst of thc most northerly <br />west boundary line oP the cxisting Sun V,i11cy city limits linc, 1 dist:lnce Of 5,040 <br />feet to ;t poiiit in (he c:ist right-ol=way linc of County l:oad 42600; <br />TIIGNCf.: soulh, west, and southwesterly ivith the east ind south right-of- <br />wiy lines oI' Cciunty l:oacl 42600 1(IISI111CC Of arprozimately 3,111 fect to thc <br />existing Rc.~no F.T.J. as slioWn on Exhibit A to [he "Abrccment Apportioning <br />Gxh•atcn•irorial Jurisdiction Ovcrlap" hctwccn chc City ol' t'aris anQ lhe City of <br />Reno, cl:ttr(l Oclohcr R. 1984; <br />TIIENCG souI herly along such agrcecl-upon cxisting Renc) E.T.J. a distlnce <br />ol' S,19=1 tcct lo tlic pIticc ol' hcginning, conttiininb 193.94 acres. <br />1' r_a cl 10 <br />T3GC(NNINC at a point, saicl poiiit hc.'inb thc extcnsion of the east right-of- <br />way line of County P.oad 42600 (Mt. Ulivc l:oacl or Gth Street N.E. in Reno) to its' <br />intersection with the south ribht-of-w,ry linc OI' US Ilwy 82 East, said Point also <br />heinb the northcast cornc:r Of thc tract clescribcd in narabraPh 1(b) of the <br />"Abreement nprortioiiinb (;xtraterri(orial 1w•iuliclion Ovcrlap„ Uetwcen the City <br />of 1'aris ancl thc: City of Rcno, datecl Octohcr 8, 1984; <br />THrNCr southcrly alonb said tracc a Qistance of 1,616 fect to a point, saicl w <br />point being in the north right-ol=way line of the former Missouri-Pacific Railroad; <br />'fl1I:NCI: wcstcrly .ilong the nartli ribht-of-wny line of the former <br />Missouri-Paeilic Railrcr,ul a clistanee ol'282 feet, mare or Iess, ro (he east boundary <br />line of the P.eno ciry limi(s as shown on p11t Qtttec! Novembcr 23, 1965, and <br />recorQccl in T3ook 5, f'agc 68, I?la! I:ecorcl.s, I_amar County, Tcxas; <br />'fIIf:NCI: south a distance ol' 100 feet to apoint in lhe south ribht-of-way <br />line of lhe former Missouri-I':icilic Railroacl, s.iicl poiiit beinb the most southerly <br />southcast corncr of thc Reno city limiis as shown on saicl pl:u; <br />`I'IIrNCr wcsterly alonb ihc soufh ribht-ol=way line of said former <br />Missouri-['acilic Railro,id ind thc exis(ing 1:cno city limits linc a distancc of 2,150 <br />fc.•ct to apoint in tlic cxislinb Rcno city limils line as shown on rxhibit A ro said <br />"Abrcement npportioning f:xtraterriroricll lufisdiCtion OvCrl:lp," said poiiit being <br />SOQ I'ccl east ol'fhc cist ribht-ol'-way linc o('rM 1509; <br />'t'IfGNCG southerly, parallcl to and 500 1'eet east of ihe cast ribht-of-way <br />linc of I'M I508 and alon= saicl abrccc;-upon c:cistinb Reno city limits linc a <br />distance of C93.S fcet to a poiiit in thc norih hounclary linc of a called-5 acrc tract <br />conveyecl to Weldon March Coston by decd dated November 4, 1993, and recorded <br />in Volume 399, f';igc 49, f'rorerty P.ccords, 1.,am;ir County; Texas, and beins <br />the same property annexed inro [he City of Rcno and clescribcd in Ordinance No. <br />222 of thc City of Rcno, passcd and ;ulortcd on the 7111 day of March, 1994; <br />'fi-iGNCI? east along thc north brnind;iry Jine of s;iicl Coston tract a distance <br />of 329 lcet ro a noint, saicl point heing thc norlheast corner of s;tid Coston tract; <br />7 <br />