Tf IENCI: norlherly alonb the cxiscinb f'aris city linjits line as described in
<br />Ordinance No. 2551 of the City of Paris, Passcd nnd aclontcd on the 29111 day of
<br />Deccmhcr, I980, a distance of 959.6 lcct, 1110re or less, to (hc southwcst corner of
<br />a tract of i,tncl cicscribcd in Orclinancc No. 93-014 of fhc City of Paris, pasSed and
<br />aQopted on lhc 13111 day of SePtember, 1993;
<br />' TH[:NCE 100119 thc cxisting P:iris city limits linc ,is clescribcd in s;tid
<br />Ordinance No. 93-014 Norih 94 peg. 50 Min. [:ast 1 distance of 419.37 fect to a
<br />Point;
<br />Tf IGNCr .ilons [hc cxisling Piu•is. city limi(s line as described in said-
<br />Orclinance No. 93-04t{ Norih 0 Deg. 27 Min. West a clistancc of 363.07 1'ect to a
<br />point;
<br />THrNCr ;ilong the existing P;iris city limits line as cleseribed in said
<br />Ordinance No. 93-0=14 South 99 Deg. 57 Min. West i distance ol' 714.35 feet ro 1
<br />point, s;iicl point beins the northwest cor n e r o f t h e tract described in said Ordinance
<br />No. 93-014, saicl point 1Iso hcins in the exisling Piris city limits line as cleseribed
<br />in said Ordinance No. 2551; ~
<br />TiIENCC continuing South 99 Deg, 57 Min. Wrst a distance of 141,45
<br />feet, more a- Icss, to a point in lhc; cxistinY
<br />Ordinancc No. 2065 of the City of Paris, pa scd and adoptedlon the(13 li I;►`' on
<br />Dcccml~er, 1971; y f
<br />THGNCL noriherly along fhe e,cisting P.iris cily 1imils (ine as described in
<br />said Ordinance No. 2065 a distancc of 600 1'cct to apoint, said point being in the
<br />south right-of-way linc ol' Pine Mill 12oad ;incl bcing lhe norlhwesf corner of a tract
<br />of lancl owned by (3ob Singer;
<br />Ti-IrNCG S110119 (I1C CXISIIIIg PiU'IS Clly III1111S linc as described in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 crossing 1'inc Mill Roacl in a norlhwcsterly direction to ~
<br />point;
<br />TIIGNCI: north a1ong the existing Paris cily l;m;ts l;ne ,t clistance of 2,350
<br />feec, more af less, wilh lhe cast bounclary line of a tract of land conveyed Joe Dodd
<br />anQ wifc, Ina Jacl:son Dodcl, hy Virgie Sco(t, et ,il, recorcletl in Volume 321,
<br />Page 54, Deed Recorcls, Lamar County, 'I'exas, ro apoint; ,
<br />'('HI:NC[i west along the existing 1'aris city liniits line 1s clescribecl in s,iiQ
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a clistancc of 1,320 li.>et to apoint;
<br />TIII:NCG norfh along the cxisting Paris city limits line as described in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a clistancc ol' 1,122 fcct to i po;nt;
<br />Tl-IGNCr east along lhe existino f'aris city limits line as clescribed in saicl
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a clistancc of 900 I'cct to a point;
<br />T1-IGNCG north ,ilonb cxisting Paris city limits linc as described in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a clist.incc of 1,040 fcct to a Point;
<br />TFIrNCE cast alonb thc existinS Paris city limits linc as describcd in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a distance o1' £pQ I'ect ta 1 point;
<br />"I'IICNCG nordh aloitg'the existing (';u•is'city lim;ts line as dcseribed in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 :i disfance ol' I,GO(, Icct to apoint in the soulli bound,iry linc
<br />of County P.o.ul 42350 (Smallwood Roacl);
<br />1'HfiNC1: wcst alonb thc existing 1'aris city limils linc as describecl in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 ;incl Mlh [he soulh houndary linc of said County Roacl 42:350
<br />(Sm,illwocul Ro,ul) ;i clist;incc ol' 1,812 (cc! !o ;i point;
<br />TFIrNC1: soulli rilong ilie existing 1';ii•is city limilS line is described in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a clistance of 53 ( fcet to ;i poiiit;
<br />'I'FIrNCf; west along the existing l',iris city limits line as clescribcd in said
<br />Ordinancc No. 2065 distance of 512 1'cct ro a point;
<br />'fFfl'sNCr south along the existing (';iris city limits line as describecl in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 and with thc ccist right-o1=way line o(' 36th Street N.G. 1
<br />distancc of 600 lect ro n point;
<br />"1'1-IrNCL'• along the existins Paris city limits line ,1s described in saict
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 ancl ilong tlic norlhcast boundary line of saicl Rader property
<br />North 59 Deg. West a distanqc o1' 1,129 fcet, more or Icss, to the Place of
<br />beginning ancl cont.iining approxima(cly 642.97 ;icres.
<br />C
<br />I~
<br />~
<br />.P;.
<br />
<br />