Ti1L'•NCG southerly a long the exis(ing Reno ciiy limits line as Qeseribed in
<br />said Orclinincc No. 92 a distancc of 1,353 feet to n noint;
<br />~ TIICNCf: westcrly Ilonb Ihe existinb P.eno city limits line as descriUed in
<br />saicl Ordinance No. 92 as follows: North 86 Dcb. 15 Min. West a clistance of 209
<br />.
<br />fret to I point; Souch 89 Drg. 55 Min. West a distance of 131 feet to a corner;
<br />TFiGNCr southcrly along thc existing P.eno city limits line as clescribed in
<br />s:►id Ordinance No. 92 ri cliliancc ol' 2,315 fcct to aPoint, siicl point being thc
<br />souUiwcst corncr of a q.218 acrc tract Qcscribcd , s Tr,
<br />1 being property hcing annexed in s;iiei Ordinance No. 92 of U eCity of Rcnotecl from the
<br />TFIrNCG weste,•ly along ehe cxistiiig Rcno city limits line a distance of 300
<br />rCCI f0 1 r0lflf;
<br />TIII:NCG sautherly along the existing Rcno cit (imits line
<br />most westcrly saulhwest corner of the Reno city limits al approximately 800 feet,
<br />ancl continuing to lhc soulh right-of-jvjy linc ol' Pinc Mill Road, in all i clistance ,
<br />of 1,320 feet ro a roint in thr; soueh ribht-of-way line oi'said Pine Mill Poad;
<br />THrNC(: easterly along the souch ribht-of-tvay line of Pine Mi1( Road a
<br />distance of ],SqO fcet, morc or less, to ;t Point, sciid point bc,•inb Ihe northwest
<br />corner o1'a I acre tract clescribccl in Gxhibit n to Ordinance No. 120 of thc City of
<br />Cteno, pisseQ and aclortecl on thr 26(h day of March, 1984;
<br />'1'HENCG souiherly, nass;nb the souihivest corner of said 1 acre lraet at
<br />290.4 leet, ancl continuing somh, in all a clistancc of 1,429.50 fect to 1 point, said
<br />point heing the mnst wcsicrly soutlnvest corner of 134.07 acrc triet clescribed in
<br />l:xhibit A to said Ordinance No. 120; .
<br />TIIGNCG cast with 1hc south baunclary linc of saic! 34,07 acre tract a
<br />clistance of 229,0 I'rrt to an iron pin;
<br />'1'llf.:NCG south .i distancc oI'98.4 fcct to an iron pin;
<br />'1'lIGNCI:.South 89 Dcb. r,ist a clislance of 1, 114 .
<br />in the west right-o1=4v:ry line of County Po,icl 42660 (M ansfield Road)"andethe
<br />southcast corner of siicl 34.07 acrc tract;
<br />'1'FIGNCG soueherly along [he west right-of-way line of County Road 42660
<br />(N(ansficlcl Roa(l) a distanee ol'520 feet to the south right-of-%vay line of US IIwy'
<br />82 Cnsr;
<br />TIIENCI: westerly ilang the south ribht-of-way line of US t-Iwy 82 Cast 1
<br />clislance of 2,OG( fcet, more or lcss, to ,i noint in ihe existing 1'aris city limits line
<br />as cleseribed in Ordinance No. 8E-050 c>f ihe Cily of P,iris, Passed incl adoptecl on
<br />lhe 30th Qay ol'July, 1984;
<br />TI11sNCG north along the existinb Paris city limits line a clistance of 120
<br />fcet to thc north ribht-of-way line of US l-[wy 82 G,ist;
<br />TI ICNCL: easterly along the nor(h ribhf-of-w.iy line of US F(wy 82 rast and
<br />the existing ['aris city limits line a distancc af 200 fcet to a Point;
<br />THfiNCG northcrlY ' .ilon ~ ~
<br />b the existin Paris city limits line, Passing the
<br />Paris city limits ,is clcscribecl in said Ordinance No. 84-050 at 500 fc:et, and
<br />continuin6 alonb the Paris ciry limits as desrrihed in Ordinance No. 87-084, passeel
<br />:lnd :Idoptcd on the: Hlh clriy ol' Dccemher, 1987, in aU a dislance of 800 feet to a
<br />point;
<br />"I'1I(;NCI; wcstcrly ,ilrnnb lhc cxistinb Paris city limifs linc as clcscrihcd in
<br />saicl Ordinance No. 87-084 a d;stance nf 510 I'eet to a Point;
<br />TI-1L:NCG southcrly along Ihe existinb P,u•is ci(y limicti line as describcQ in
<br />said Ordinance No. 87-084 a clist;incc ol'305 I'cct !o .i poinl;
<br />"1'1IENCG wcstcrly alonb the existing f'aris city limits line as described in
<br />said Ordinance No. 87-084, nassing lhe east i•ight-of=way iinc of 46th Strcet N.r,
<br />at 855 fret, and continuins a►onb the existinb I',iris cily limits line, in aJI i distance
<br />of2,]45 fcct to a pant, saicl po;nt bcing [he most westerly norihNvesl corner of the
<br />property hcing amicxcd in s;iid Ordinance No. 87_084.
<br />
<br />S
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<br />