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: ~ <br />'t. <br /> <br />`fl-1CNCC' soulherly alonb the exitilinb P,►►•is city limits linc a distlince of 96 <br />feet ro lhe north ribht-ol=way line of the 1'a•mer Missouci-Pacit-ic P.ailroacl; <br />. TtiGNCI? eastcrly alnnb s.iid nortli right-o('_way line of ihc former <br />Missouri-(',icilic I:ailroncl a clislance of 5,869 ('cet roa Point in the existing l:eno <br />city limits line, saic) point heing 150 fcet west oC the west right-of-tvly line of. <br />County P.oad 12120 (ICey West Road or 13t11 Street S.W. in P.eno); <br />Tnrrver.•. ►,orilici-iy, p;ii•;ille( lo and 150 feet wcst of thc west right-of-tvay <br />line of County P.oad 12120 (ICey West Roa(l or 13111 Strcet S.W. in Reno), 1, <br />distancc of 296 !'cet to a Point in the cxisting Reno city limits linc; <br />T(1GNCr westcrly ilonb lhe existing P.eno city limits line a distance of 427 <br />I'eet to tt point; <br />THGNCE northcrly along thc cxistinb P.cno ciry limits line a distance of <br />2,333 1'ect 1o a roint; <br />TI1rNCG wcsterly along the exis(inb P.eno city limits line a distance of 73 <br />feet to a point; <br />THENCi: northerly along the eristinb Reno city limits line a distance of <br />273 Icet to apoint in thc soulh ribhc-of-wiy linc of US 1ltivy 82 Gast; <br />THGNCG westerly along the south right-ol=w7y line of US I-Iwy 82 rasc a <br />distance of 2,859 feet to thc placc of laebinning, containing 396.72 acres. <br />~'!acL <br />nECINNINC at ,i point in thc: cxistinb Pru•is city lim;ts linc at rM 195 <br />North, saicl Point beinb SOU teet easterly of tllr centerline ol'saiQ rM 195 Nortli, <br />saicl Point also hcing in Uic northeast houndciry linc of nroperty conveyed to I3uck <br />R.uJer ancl wile, Lincl:► Radcr, rccor(lc(l in Volumc 264, 1'agc 67, Dcccl Records, <br />Lam,u• County, Tcxati; <br />TIIr-NCG northeaslerly, Par,illc1 toand 500 fret east of the centerline oFT'M <br />195 Norlh, a distance of 3,226 Icet ro ti roint in the existing Reno city limits line <br />as descriheQ in Orclin;tnce No. 114 of the City ol' P.eno, pissecl and adopted on the <br />15[11 d,iy o(' Decemher, 1983, ancl as shown on Gxhibit A to the "Agreement+ <br />Anportioning rxh•aterritoria! Jurisdittion Ovcrlap" hehveen the City of Paris and <br />the City of Iteno, d.itccl Octahcr 8, 1984; <br />TI11'INCr sou(herly alonb the exislinS P.eno city limits line as described in <br />said Orclin,ince No. 114, same hcing ehc east bouncJary line ol'Twin Lakes Cstates, <br />a distttnce of 355 feet to i point, said noint bcinb the most westerly sotithwest <br />corner of saic! Twin 1_,akes rstates; <br />THENCG eastrrly along tlie existinb P.eno city lirnits line as describecl in <br />saicl Ordin:►ncc No. 114 a distance of 1,641.7 fcct to apoint; <br />THGNCr souiherly along thc cxisting Rcno city limits linc as descrihed <br />saicl Orclinttnce No. 114, p,issinb IIie most easterly southwcst corncr of saicl Twin <br />Lakcs Gstatcs and the nor(li ribht-of-wiy linc of County P.oatl 42350 (Smallwood <br />Roacl) ,it 734.5 liect, and coniinuinb toa point in thc soulli ribht-ol=way line of saicl <br />County Roid 42350 (Smallwoocl P.oad) in a11 a c►iscance ol'784.5 feet, more or less; <br />T1I1'sNCr casterly alonb thc existing P.eno city limits line is clescribed in <br />said Orclinancc No. 114 .inQ Ihc south right-o1=way linc ol's;iicl County P.oacl 42350 <br />(Smallwoocl Road) a dist:ince al'2,025 Pect to apoint; <br />TI IGNCG southcrly ,ilonb (he exis(inS Pcno ci(y limils line ,ts clescrihed in <br />Orclinancc No. 119 of tlic Ciry ol' I:cno, rassccl :incl acloptcd on the 26th clay of <br />Mareh, 1984, same beinb thc west bounclary line of a tr.ict of lancl owned hy Joe <br />1[utchison, Qescribed on surveyor's Plat datecl August 20, 1965. prcplred by W. <br />R. Abboa, ancl attilChcd 1S I?Xhibit A t0 S1iCJ Orclinance No. 119, a distance of <br />1,308 fect to a point, saic► pofnt bcing thc soulhwcst corncr of said Joe I-iutchison <br />tract; <br />`I'1[GNCG caslerly a clistancc of 351 fcct to a point in [he cxisting P.eno eity <br />limits line as descrihed in Orclinanee No. 92 of the C_'ity ol' Reno, plssed 1nd <br />adoPtrcl on thc 27Ui day ol' October, 197£; <br />,I <br /> <br />