i: ~ • , , . .
<br />, • : . ~ . . . . . ~ ; , ;
<br />• . . . . . , ; . ' .1~ .
<br />THLNCG soulheasterly, on a line Pcrpcnclicular to the centerline of rM 195
<br />North, a clist:►ncc of 500 I'cct to ;i point;
<br />• TI-1ENCf.i soulhwesterly, rarallel to incl 500 1'eet southeast of the centerline
<br />of r-M 195 North, a distance of 7,526 1'eet to a point in ihe existinb Reno city limits
<br />line as descrihed in Orclinance No, 114 of the City of Reno, passcd and ridopted on
<br />. 1he~lSth cl:►y of Deccmhcr, 1983;
<br />'11II:NC13 westerly along the existing Reno c►ly limiis line as described in
<br />~ s;iicl Orclinincc No. 11~I a clist:uicc: uf 229 I'cct ro a Point;
<br />'1'FTGNCT northcrly alonb thc existinb P.cno city litnits line as dcsCribcd in M
<br />saicl Ordinancc No. 114 a clistancc of 300 fect to a point;
<br />:~'r• TI[GNCE soulhwestcrly alonb thc cxisting PM 195 North riglit-of-way ancl
<br />along thc cxisting l:cno city limits linc <<s dcscrilacd in saicl Orclinance No. 114 a
<br />distance ol'354.3 fect to a point;
<br />~ TIIGNCI; southerly along thc cxistinb P.eno city limits line as described in
<br />• said Ordinance No. 114 ditil:ince ol',139 1'cet tn .t point, s.►icl point bein6 500 feet ~
<br />south of the centerlinc of rM 195 North; '1'IfrNCI: soutliwesterly, parallcl ro and 500 fret souiheast of the centerline
<br />• of ~M 195 North, a clistancc of 3,22~I fccl ro thc pla cc of bcginninb, containinb
<br />• ~ 265.96 acres. .
<br />'r,•-,' cf (
<br />BEG[NN[NC, at thc cxistinb Paris city limits linc in [hc south right-of-way
<br />line of 1'M 1508, saicl Point hcing 500 Icct r:ist of thc ccntcrlinc of thc right-of-w.iy
<br />oI' US Flwy 271 South;
<br />. `I'IIrNCG westerly, p,irallrl to Ihc Soulli right-of-way linc of T'M 1508, ;1
<br />distancc of 1,342) I'eet ro apoinr,
<br />THENCT: southcastcrly, pa,'aIICI f0 111(I SOO rCCI WCSI Or (I1C CCIIICPIIQC 0f
<br />lhe right-of-way of US Ifwy 271 South, 1(IiSf111CC Qf 12,491 fcct ro a point;
<br />THCNCr castcrly, rarallcl ro the nortli ribht-of-way line of County P.oad ~
<br />13300, a clistance of 1,330 I'cct to a roint;
<br />THGNCG norihrrly tilong thc wcst houndary linc of a Privatc drive a
<br />distance ol'324 I'ect ro a Point;
<br />TIIGNCG norlhwrsterly, parallcl to ancl 500 fect cast of [he centerline of w
<br />the right-of-way of US I-Iwy 271 Sou(h, a clist:ince of 12,483 fcet ro the Place of
<br />beginning, comaininb 291.51 .icres.
<br />Tr,u t 7
<br />I3GGCNNINC .tt a poinl in Ihc south ribht-ol=way line of U,S I-Twy 82 East,
<br />saiil point heing GIS fect east oi'said right-pf4ay liiie's interscction tvith the east
<br />right-of'-way line of 47th Street S.r.;
<br />: TI I1:NC1~ southcrly along thc existing I'.u•is city limits linc a distance of 7q2
<br />fcct ro a Point;
<br />Tl(f:NC[; weslcrly alonb thc cxistinb Pn,•is city limits linc a distance of
<br />1,793 1'cct to a point;
<br />T(IrNCG sout herly alonb tlic cxistinb Paris ciry limits linc a distance of 900 ~
<br />fect to a point;
<br />. 'I'I IE:NCG wcstcrly alonb lhc cxistinb P.u•is city Iimit.S linc a clistance of 1~1~
<br />• feet to a Point;
<br />' Tl.!(iNCf: snc!ihcrly r:lcing ilic cxisting 1'.u•;s city )imits linc a distancc of
<br />. ' 1,223 fect to ,i point;
<br />T11rNCr eastcrly along [hc cxistinb Paris city limits linc a distance of 143
<br />' fceC to a Point;
<br />'1'l1L'•NCG soullicrly along ilic c;xisiinb 1':iris city limits linc a distancc of
<br />, 1,670 Icct to a point;
<br />TII~NCI: southwcstcrly along [hc cxistin6 Paris city limits linc a distancc
<br />: •ol' 329 1'cct to a point;
<br />3 P=-~
<br />