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. ,r • . <br />. . • . . . ~ ~ . , ' . . . ' ~ <br />Tr;tet R <br />I7113GINNINC; at apoint in the existinb Paris city limits line at r195 <br />M <br />Nc~rth, said Point beinb _SOU feet e;~sferly Of tt~e centerline of said P M 195 North, <br />said Point iIso heing in fhe northcast boundary linc of property conveyed to l3uc}; <br />R.ulcr ind wifc, 1_inda Radcr, rccorQccl in Volumc 264, 1'agc 67, Dced Rccords, <br />Lamar County, Texas; <br />TI-1 rNCI: northcasterly, pii-illel to and 500 fcct cast of the centerline of rM <br />195 North, a distance of 3,22C 1'eet to a poinc iii tlie existinb Reno city limits line <br />as dcscrihccl in Ordinincc No. 114 of ihc City of P.cno, Passccl and adoptecl on the <br />151h clay of necember, 1983, and as sliown on Gxhihit A to the "Agreement <br />Apportioning Gstralerriforinl Juriscliction Overlap" hehveen the Ciry of f'aris and <br />the City of RcnO, datec! October S. 1984; <br />T111' :NCr: Sot,ci,c,-lY along the existinb Reno city limits line as described in <br />said Ordinancc No. 114, same heing thc cast houndary linc o!'Twin Lakcs E-states,- ~ <br />a distance ol' 355 fcet to a poinc, said point heing the most westerly southwest <br />corner of said Twin Lakcs Gstatcs; <br />TFICNCG etisterly ilonb tlie existing P,eno city limits line as clescribed in <br />said Ordin1nCC No. 1 14 a distancc of 1,641.7 fcct to ;t point; <br />TIIf NCI's southerly along tlic existinb Reno city Iimits l;ne as deseribecl <br />said Ordinancc No. 1 H, P1Stillls IIIC most c;istcrly soufhwest corner of said Twin <br />L.ikes E-states ancl the nortli ribht-ol'-way linc oI' County Roacl 42350 (Smallwoocl <br />Road) at 734.5 1'eel, aiul continuing to :i point in ihe south right-o(=way line of said <br />County RoacJ 42350 (SmallwooQ Roa(l) in a11 a distance of 784.5 fcct, morc or less; <br />TIIENCG easterly alonb thc existing P.eno city Iimits line as described in <br />said Orclinance No. 114 and tlie soulh ribht-of-way line of saicl County P.oad 42350 <br />(Smallwoocl Road) a distance of 2,025 I'ect 10 apoint; <br />'1'(TE-NCf: southcrly ilong the existinb lteno ci(y liiiiits line as described in <br />Orclinancc No. 119 of ihc City ol' I:cno, rassccl ancl acloptcd on (hc 26th cliy of <br />March, 1984, same hcing tlic west bouncl:u•y line of .i tract of lancl owned by ]oe <br />Ilutchison, described on sun•veyor's plat dated Aubust 20, 1965, prePared by W.' <br />R. Abhott, and altachcd as rxhibit A to saic! Orclin;inee No. 119, a distance of <br />1,308 1'eet to a roint, said point befng [lie southwcst corner ol'said Joe 1-Iutchison <br />tracl; <br />Tl IGNCG etistcrly a clistancc c>f 351 f«t fo a Point in lhe cxisling 12cno city <br />limits line as eleseribed in Ordinance No. 92 of the City ol' P.eno, passed and <br />acloptccl on the 27t11 clay ol' Oc(ohcr, 1978; <br />TI-IGNCFi soutlierly along thc cxisfing Rcno city limits linc as dc:scribed in <br />said Orclinance No. 92 distanee of 1,353 1'cet ro a point; <br />TIII:NCI: wcstcrly alon6 thc existing Reno city limits line as dcscribed in <br />said OrQinance No. 92 as follows:. North 8< D'cg, 15 Min. Wcst a distancc of 209 <br />fect to a roint; S011111 89 Deg. 55 Min. Wcst ;i clislance o(' 131 1'ect ro a corncr; <br />'1'I-IGNCC' southerly alonb the existinb Reno city limits line :ts described in <br />said Orclinanee Nn. 92 ci clistanee ot' 2,315 feet ro apoint, saic! point being the <br />southwest corner of 4,218 acre h•act clescr;bed as 'I'ract I heing excepted from the <br />propcrty bcin6 anncxeQ in said Orcliiiance No. 92 of thc Cily ol' Reno; <br />1'1113NCI; wcstcrly alonb the cxistinfi l:eno city limi(s I;nc a distance of 300 <br />feet to a point; <br />TIII;NC1: southerly along Ihe existine; Rcno city limits line, Passing the <br />most westerly sotithwest corner of the Reno city limits ;it apProxim,itely 800 feet, <br />ancl continuin~ rofhe soulh ribht-o1=ivay line of Pine Mill Rorid, in all a distance <br />of 1,320 feet to ti point in llle south riblit-of way line of said Pine; Mi11 RoacJ; <br />Tf IGNC1: castrrly along [hc scnitli ribht-oF-way linc of Pinc Mill Road << <br />clistance of 1,540, I'cct, morc or less, to a poiiit, said lioint bcing thc northwcst <br />corncr oP a 1 acre tract clcscrihccl in Gxhibil A to Ordinancc No. 120 of the City o!' <br />Rcno, Passed ancl adoptcd on tlic 26111 day oI' Marcli, 1984; <br />16 <br />P o. <br />