<br />TIII:NCG southerly, Passinb the southwcst corner of said 1 acre tract at
<br />290.4 fcet, and continuinb south, in a11 1 clisiancc of 1,429.50 fcet to a point, said
<br />P~int being the mast %vesterly southwest corner of ,l 34.07 acre tr~ct described in
<br />1'xhibit A to saicl Ordinance No. 120;
<br />TIIGNCr east Nvith (hc soutli boundary linc of said 34.07 acrc tract a
<br />dist,inee of 229.0 feet to in iron pin;
<br />'I'IiT:NCr sauth a clitt:tncc ol'98.4 frct to an iron Pin;
<br />"('FTCNCE Soulh 89 Deg. C:,ist a clistancc of ],1 14 Icct to an iron pin, being
<br />in tlic wcst right-ol=way linc of County ltoacl 42660 (M;tnsficl(I Road) :►nd the
<br />southeast corner of sa;cl 34.07 acrc tract;
<br />T[1GNCC southe,•Iy along thc Nvcst ribht_o1=way line of County P.oad 42660
<br />(Mansfielcl Roi(l) a clistance of520 I'eet to tlie souch ,•ibht-of-way line of US I-Iwy
<br />82 rasr,
<br />TI IENCG westcrly tilong the south rib(il-of-w:ty Iinc of US lIwy 82 rast
<br />clistnnce of 2,066 fcet, more or less, to a Point in (he existing Paris city limits line
<br />,
<br />-is descrihecl in Ordinance No. gq-050 of the Ci ty o f 1'aris, passecl and aclopted on
<br />the:i0th day o('July, 198q;
<br />'I'(IGNCG north alonb the existinb Paris city li,nits line 1 clistance of 120
<br />leet to thc north right-of-way linc of US I(wy 82 Gast;
<br />'I'(IENCG casterly along thc north ribht-of-way ]inc ol' US Jiwy 82 Gast anQ
<br />lhc cxisting Paris ci(y limits line ,i distanrc of 200 frct to ;t point;
<br />7•rlr:NCr: norii,c,-iY ,tlon6 the exisling Paris city limils. line, pissinb Ihe
<br />I'aris city limits as drscribecl in saiQ Ordinince No. 84-050 it 500 feet, and
<br />conlinuinS tilonb thc Paris city limits as dcscrihed in Ordinance No. 57-084, pissed
<br />and adoPtecl on (hc 14lh elay ol' Decemher, 1987, in all a clistance af 800 feet ro a
<br />Poin(;
<br />TI-IGNCG westcrly .ilong [he existinb Paris city limits line as dcscribecl in
<br />saicl Ordinance No. 87-084 a clist.lllCC Of 510 IC'et to a point;
<br />TIIGNCT southerly along tlie existing ['aris city limits line as Qescribecl in
<br />saicl Ordinance No. 87-08=1 a clisttuicc of 305 fcct to apoin(;
<br />T1II:NCG westcrly along the existinb Paris city limits linc is dcscrihcd in'
<br />said Ordinance No. 87-084, rassing the eatit right-of-way line of 46th Street N.E.
<br />at 855 feet, and continuing .ilonb the cxislinb P;u•is cily limits linc, in all a distance
<br />of 2,145 fret to a Point, s;iicl point hcing the most westcrly northwest corner of the
<br />Prorerty being annexecl in s;iicl Ordinance No. 87-084;
<br />T(IrNCG northerly along lhe existing C'aris city limits line as describcd in
<br />Ordinance No. 255I of iIie Ciry of P,iris, p;►sseci ancl :ulcirtecl on t►ie 29th d;iy oP
<br />December, 1980, a distance of 859.C feet, more or Icss, ro the soulhwest corner of
<br />a trlct of lancl described in Ordinance No. 93-044 of (he Ciry of Paris, passed ancl
<br />adopted on the 1311) cliy of Septemher, 1993; .
<br />TH(:NCr alonb the existinb Paris cify limits linc as describecl in slicl
<br />Ordinance No. 93-014 North~94 peg. SO Min: rast distancc of 419,37 feet to a
<br />point;
<br />TIIGNCC alonb the existing Piris city limits line as clescribcd in said
<br />Orclinance No. 93-04-1 North 0 neg. 27 Min, West ,i distanee of 363.07 feet to a
<br />point;
<br />"!'IIf:NCI: alons (he rxistinb [';u'is city limits line is cleseribed in saicl
<br />Ordinance No. 93-044 South 89 Deg. 57 Min. West a distince of 714,35 feet ro .1
<br />roint, siid Point hcinb lhc norlhwest corncr of lhe tr,ict clcscribed in said Ordinance
<br />No. 93-044, saicl Point nlso being in the existinb Paris cily limits line as described
<br />in saicl Ordinance No. 2551;
<br />TI-IGNCG continuing South 89 Dcg. 57 Min. West 1 distance of 141.45
<br />1'eet, more or l"s, ro a point in ihe existing Paris city lirnits line as described in
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 of ihe City of P;iris, passeel and acloPted on the 13111 d1y of
<br />necember, 1971; .
<br />, •
<br />17
<br />
<br />