<br />TI-frNCG northerly along ihc existing Paris city limits line .ts described in
<br />said Ordinince No. 2065 a distancc of 600 Icet to a roint, said Point Ueing in the
<br />
<br />'
<br />south right-ol=way line ol' Pine Mill Ro,ul ancl bcing the northwest corner of a tract
<br />of Iancl owned by f3ob Singcr;
<br />~
<br />TiIFNCL along thc existing Paris city limits linc ,is describcd ![1 SiU(I
<br />Oriliniinee No. 2065 crossing Pine Mill Ro,id in i norlh
<br />l
<br />wester
<br />y direction ro a
<br />point;
<br />~ TI1r-NCf: north alo►it; the existing P:u•is ci(y limits line a distance of 2
<br />350
<br />•
<br />'
<br />,
<br />feet, more of less, with the east boundary line of a tract of land comeyed Joe Dodd
<br />and wife, Tna Jackson Doclcl, hy Virbie Lee Scott, et al, recorded in Volume 321
<br />,
<br />I'age 54, Dcccl RccorQs, Lamar Caunty, 1'cxas, (0 1point;
<br />TI-IT:NCE ~vest along lhe existing Paris city limits line as describccl in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 a clistince ol' 1,320 feet to a point;
<br />'
<br />fFlENCr-, north ,ilong [hc existing Paris city limits linc is dcscribed in said
<br />Ordinance No. 2005 a clistance of 1,122 fcct roa point;
<br />TI-IrNCr cast along thc cxisting Paris city limils linc as clcscribed in s,iicl -
<br />Orclinance No, 2065 a clistancc of 900 fect ro apoint;
<br />
<br />TIfrNCI: north alonb existins Paris city limits line as described in said
<br />O
<br />li
<br />rc
<br />nance No. 2065 a clist~ncc af 1,010 fcet to a Point;
<br />`
<br />fI11'NCf: east along ihe exis(in3 f'aris cily limits line as describecl in said
<br />O
<br />rdin,incc No. 2065 ~i clistance ol' 800 lec[ to ~ ~)oint;
<br />,
<br />•
<br />'('1fP_,NCr norili along (hc cxistinb P;u•is city limits linc as clescribcd in said
<br />OrQinancc No. 2065 1(IISf111CC Ol' 1,606 f'ect to a
<br />oint in th
<br />h
<br />r
<br />c sout
<br />botindary line
<br />of Counry Road 42350 (Smallwood Roa(l);
<br />'
<br />TIIrNCU' west along fhe existing I'aris city limits line as dcscrihcd in saicl
<br />Orclinanre No. 2065 .uncl with Uic south houncl.u•y linc of said County RoaQ 42350
<br />(Smallwoa(l Ro,icl) a distanrc of 1,812 fcet to ,i Point;
<br />.
<br />'I'III-INCE, south along thc existing P.u•is city limits linc as described in said
<br />Ordinince No. 2065 a clistance ol'S31 feet to a point;
<br />;
<br />TIIr-.NCT west along [he cxistinb Paris city limits line as described in said
<br />O
<br />di
<br />r
<br />nance No. 2065 ,t dislance of 512 1'eet to a Point; ~
<br />'fFIrNCf: south c►lonb the existing Paris city limits linc as described in said
<br />:
<br />Ordinance No. 2065 and wiih fhc cast right-of-way (ine ol' 36111 Sh•eet N
<br />;i
<br />E
<br />'
<br />'
<br />.
<br />.
<br />dist,inre ol
<br />G00 I'eet to apaint;
<br />TI~IENC[: along (Iie existing P,u•is city Iimits line as described in said
<br />Orclinance No. 2065 ;inQ along (he northcast boundary line of said Rader property
<br />North 59 ncg. West a clistance of 1,129 feet, more or Icss, to the Place of
<br />bcbinnin
<br />and cont
<br />i
<br />i
<br />b
<br />a
<br />n
<br />ng aprroximatcly 642.97 acres.
<br />RrGINNING at thc nor1h right-of-way*linc ol' US fiwy 82 Cast, S11d POIIlt
<br />being 2,640 I'ret east of thc east ribht-of-way line ol' County Road 42600 (Mt. Olive
<br />Road or Cth Strcct N.R. in P.cno);
<br />TIIENCI; castcrly along fhc north ribht-of-way linc of US llwy 82 East tt
<br />clistancc ol' 1,665 fect to ti point, saiel point bein6 il clisl1llCC; Or2,744 fcet from thc
<br />southwcst corncr of thc existin6 Sun Vallcy city limits linc, said point .ilso bcing
<br />in a fcncc line;
<br />'1'H I'-NCf: north wi(h said 1'rncc line o clistancc of 680 fect to a point, said
<br />• point heing in the ori6inal Paris E.T.J. as establ;shccl by thc annesation of the Cox
<br />riclcl Airport prorerty in Orclinance No. 2169 of thc City of Pnris, passecl and
<br />adopted on the lOth day of Decemhcr, 1973;
<br />T[I1-NC1: westerly along ehc Paris C.T.J. establishccl hy the aforementioned
<br />annexation a distance of 342 Icet to a Point, said point being 1/2 mile from tlie most
<br />northerly southwcst corner oC the existinb Sun Vallcy city limits line;
<br />TlI1:NCf.; northerly, rarallcl with ancl 1/2 milc wcst of [hc most northerly
<br />Wcst houndary line of thc cxititinb Sun Valley city limits linc, a distance o('S,040
<br />i'eet to .i Point in thc cast right-of-way linc of County Road 42600;
<br />18
<br />~
<br />A- ~
<br />