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"I'I IENCE south, wcst, ancl s011111wcstcrly with Ihc cast anQ soulh riglit-of <br />way lincs or County Road 42600 a clistancc or apnroximatcly 3,111 feet to the <br />existing Rcno E.T.J. as shown on Cxhihit A to the "Abrccment APportioninb <br />Gxtraterrirorial Jurisdiction Ovcrlap" hctwccn the City or Paris and the Ciry ol' <br />Reno, clatccl Octoher 1984; <br />' '1'I II:NCG soulhcrly along such agreccl-uPon existinb P.cno E.T.J. a clistancc <br />of 5,194 Icc:t to the placc of beginning, containing 193.94 acres. <br />1'r1dcl 10 <br />. I3f:CINNINC at apoint, saicl Point heing the extension of the right-of- <br />Vay linc of County 1:oad 42600 (Mt. Olive P.o:►d or Gth Strect N.E. in Reno) to its <br />intersection with the south right-of-way line or US Ilwy 82 rast, saicl poipt atso <br />bcing the northcast corncr or tlie traet dcscrihed in paragraph 1(b) of the <br />"Abreement Apportioning rxtraterritorial Juriscliction Ovcrlar" between the City <br />of f'aris anQ thc City of Reno, d:►tcd Octobcr S. 1984; <br />TFIl---NCI-'7 soulhcrly along saiQ tract a clistancc ol' 1,616 fcet to a Point, saicl <br />Point bcing in lhe north ribht-of-way linc of thc i'ormer Missouri-Paci(7c Railroad; <br />THGNCG westerly 110I1s thc norfh right-of=way line of the formcr <br />Missouri-1'acilic t:ailroad a distancc of 282 fcct, morc or lcss, to tlle east boundary <br />line; or thc Reno city lintits is shown on plat Qated Novembcr 23, 1965, and <br />rccorded in 13ook S, Page 68, Plat P.ccords, Lamar County, 'Cexas; <br />'1'f IrNCI: sou(h .i clist:tncc of 100 fecl to apoint in lhe south ribht-of way <br />line of tlic former lvtissouri-I'acilic P.ailroacl, siicl point beiiig the most soutlierly <br />southeast corncr of lhc Reno city limits as shown on said pIat; <br />TF[I-ENCE wctiterly along ihc south right-ol=way linc ot' saicl fonncr <br />Missouri-I'acific P.ailroad and the exiscing I:eno city limits line a distance of 2,150 <br />feet ro a Point in lhe cxistinb Reno city limits linc as shown on I:xhibit A to s1ic1 <br />"Agrcement Apportioninb 1-3-xtratcrritorial Jtu•isdiction Overlan," said point 6eing <br />500 1'cet east uf the east ribht-of=way line ol' rM 1505; <br />T1(GNCG southcrly, parallel ro and 500 I'ect east of the east right-of way' <br />line of r-M 1508 and along saicl abreed-upon existinb Reno city limits line a <br />distance of 693.5 feet to apoint in Ihe north boundary line of a ealled 5 aere tract <br />convcyccl to Wcldon March Cosron by dccd cl,itccl Novcmhcr 4, 1993, 1nc1 recorclecl <br />in Volume 399, Page 49, Real Propcrty Records, Lim;u• Courny, Texns, and being <br />tlle same property anncxcd into the City or Reno ancl dcscribeQ in Ordinance No. <br />222 of the City of l:cno, passc:d and acloplecl on lhc 7111 day of March, 1994; <br />TFfENCf: east along the north hounQiry linc of saicl Cosron tract a distance <br />of :329 fcet ro apoint, saicl noini heinS the norlheast Corner of S1td COStOn tr1Ct; <br />1'IIGNCG soulh alonb thc cist boundary, line o('said Coston tract a distincc <br />of 280 f'ect ro apoint, saicl Point being thc most easterly southeast corner of s;tid <br />Cosron tract; ' ' • <br />'1'IIGNCE wcstcrly along the souih boundary linc of saiQ Coston tract a~ <br />distance o!' 329 feet to apoint in Ihe exititinb Reno city limits line as shown on <br />rxhibit A to saic! "Agreement rlpportioning rxtraterritorial Jurisdiction Overllp"; <br />. TII(:NCT souihcrly, rirallcl to ancl 500 fcct cast of (he cast right-of way <br />line or rM 1508 anQ alonb said abreecl-upon cxisting l2eno city limits line, 1 <br />distance ol' 1,056 fcct to a roint in the existing I'aris city limils line, said Point <br />being in Ihc north bouncliry line of tlie Cox riclcl nirport propcrty as described in <br />clecd from tlie UniteQ States or America to lhe Cily of P1ris, recorded in Volumc <br />308, Page 287, Deecl P.ccords, I_im;n• County, 1'ex:ts, aizQ l;e;nb ihc same property <br />annexed inlo the Ciry of I'aris ancl descrilscd in Ordinance No. 2169 of the City of <br />f'aris, passea ai,(i iaonlea on rnc 10in (Iiy or »eccmhcr, 1973; <br />•rirr.•.NCr::wcsrcriy aiong iiic ex;st;,,s raris cily limits linc and the north <br />boundary line of s:►id Cox Tielcl Airport pronerty and alang lhe south boundary line <br />of said agreecl-upon existinb P.eno eity limits line in .►11 a Qistance ol'500 feet to a <br />paint in thc east ribht-ol=w,iy linc of I=M 1509; <br />19 <br />