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' <br />TIIENCr along the cast right-oF-way linc of I-M 150£ a distancc of <br />• <br />apProximately 173 1'eet to 1 point, said point hcing lhc: northwest corncr of a cnlled <br /> <br />10 acre tract describecl in dcec! from the Paris, Texas 1nQush•ial 1'oundation <br />1ne <br />. <br />, <br />. <br />to Agpro, Inc., datcd October 16, 1972, ancl rerordccl in Volume 541, Page 574, <br />Decd Records, 1_amar County, '; <br />Tf II:NCE continuing along tlic cast ribht-of-w:►y linc of rNt 1508 and the <br />wcst boundary line of saicl Agpro tract as follows: South a clistancc of 459 feet <br />• <br />; <br />Sotitherly arouncl a curve to the ribht a distance of 227 feet; South 7 Deg <br />East 1 <br />. <br />distance of ~13 feet; Sou(herly around a curve to the left distance of 186 feet to a. <br />• <br />concrete marker; South .i distance of 115 fcet ro tlie existinb 1'aris city limits line <br />and Cax r-icld Airrort rmncrty line; <br />TIICNCG North 89 Deg. 56 Min. 40 Sec. rast a clistance of ,100.00 feet to <br />a point, saicl Point hcing the southeast corner of said Agpro trict; <br />' <br />' <br />~ <br />T <br />11rNCG North 00 Deg. 19 Min. 35 Sec. West,i distance of 1 <br />025.00 feet <br /> <br />, <br />to a point, said Point heing thc northeast corner of saic! Agpro tract; ' <br />TIIGNCG South 89 Deg. S( Min. 40 Sec. West a distance of 124 <br />92 feet <br />. <br />to an ell eorner in the sc►id Cox rield AirPort proPerty; <br />T1i1:NCG North 00 Deg. 33 ti1in. 00 Sec. West a distance of 189 <br />11 feet w <br />. <br />to a noint, s:ticl point bcing the norlhwcs[ corncr ol' said Cox riclQ Airport <br />property; <br /> <br />`fF1i-NC[.: Nortli 87 Deg. 35 Min. 20 Sec. Gast a distance of 3 <br />018 <br />97 feet <br />' <br />. <br />, <br />. <br />along a t <br />cncc linc to i point; <br />'I'11GNCC South 02 Deg. 03 Min. 10 Sec. rast distance of 101.80 feet <br />along a fencc line to i point; <br />, <br />TIIGNCI: Norih 89 Deg. 52 Min. 25 Sec. Gast a distance of 1 <br />516 <br />48 feet <br />, <br />. <br />alonb ri fenec line to apoint; <br />, <br />TIII:NCG South 43 Deg. 39 Min. 30 Sec, East a Qistance of 224 <br />28 fret <br />' <br />. <br />along ci I <br />cncc linc ro apoinr, <br />' <br />TIIGNC(: North 89 Deg. 41 Min. OS Scc. rast a Qistance of 990 <br />06 fect <br />' <br />. <br />along a I <br />cnee line ro apoint; <br />TIIGNCE Soulh 53 Deg. 37 Min. OS Sec. I'sast clistnnce of 165 <br />4I feet' <br />. <br />11ong ;1 ICnCC IinC to appint; <br />TIIrNCG South 89 Deg. 1 I Min. 30 Scc. Gasl a distancc of 733 <br />79 feet <br />' <br />. <br />. <br />alo►~g , <br />i I <br />cnce linc to a point; <br />. <br />TITGNCr South 52 Deg. 41 Min. 30 Sec. Cast a distance of 85.30 feet <br />. <br />along a fenee line to apoint; <br />TIIGNCr South 04 Deg. 35 Min. 40 See. West A(IlSI:111CC OC 144.23 feet <br />• <br />1IOI1g 1 rCf1CC IlI1C IO 1 P0111[; <br />T1-1GNC1: South 89 Deg. 24 Min. 25 Scc. rast a dislancc of 114.21 feet <br />along ,i fcncc linc to apoint; <br />Tl-II:NCG South 45 neg. 34 Min...00 Sec. rast a dititance of 173.33 feet <br />along a fence line to a point; <br />''III.NCI? South 00 Deg. :33 Min. 40 Scc. T,ist a distance of 1 <br />531.69 feet <br />, <br />~~long a fence line ro a point; <br />~ <br />nir.;rvcr: sot,cil ss Deg. oo tvtii,. 30 see. rast a distancc of 279.36 fect <br />along a fenee line to a point; <br />~~rrr:NCr.; sotitii 82 Deg. 4 1 Min. ?s sec. r,~sc dr~c.~~,ce or 601.45 r~~~c <br />along a fence line to apoint, saicl Point beinb in the existing Paris city limits line <br />, <br />and continuinb a dis(ancc ol'204 I'ccc to a Point in thc wcst ribht-of-way line of I-M <br />2121; <br />TTfI'NCG northcrly along the west ribht-of-way !inc of rM 2121 n distance <br />' <br />oi <br />4,223 feet to a point in said west right-ol=way line, said point bcing 83£.8 feet <br />, <br />south fi•om thc soulh ribht-of-way linc of !he 1'ormcr Missouri-Pacirc r,aiiroaa and <br />.►Iso being 1/2 milt! 1'rom thc southwrst corncr of thc cxist inb Sun Vallcy city limits <br />line; <br />.0 <br />20 <br />P- ~ <br />