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T1ICNCG along ctirve to the left with a radius of 2,640 fect nnd a distancc <br />of 2,795 feet tO a point in the soutli ribht-of-way line of US Tiwy 82 Cast. said <br />curve at all times being 1/2 mile i'rom tlte soulhwcst corncr of the existing Sun <br />Valley city limils line, and saicl roint beinb 1,352 feet west of the intersection of <br />the wcst right-of-way line ol' County Roicl 2121 with the south right-of-way line <br />ol'-US 1-Iwy 82 Gast; <br />TI [ENC1; westerly ,ilong the south ribht-of-way line of US I-Iwy 82 Cast n <br />clistance of 4,539 fcct ro the nlace of hebinninb, containinb apProximately 703.13 <br />1CfCS. <br />II':lr11 <br />I3l'-,G]NNINC at a roint in tlie existing Paris city limits line, said Point <br />heinb at the intersection of (he centerline ol' i'M 195 North and the south right-of- <br />way line of Snur 139; <br />TIIENCG Nvcsterly ;ilong thc south right-ol=wiy linc ol' Spur 139 ind thc <br />cxistinb Paris city limits linc a distancc 2,670 fect to a point; <br />TI-fENCr norlhwesterly along lhe existing Paris city limits line a distance <br />of 763 fect to i point; <br />"1'IlGNCI: easterly, par.i11e1 to ancl 500 feet nordh af the south right-of-way <br />line of Spur 139, a distance o(' 3,119 feet to i Point; <br />'C(iGNC(s nor(hcistcrly, parrillcl to ;►nci 500 fcct wcst of the centerline of <br />FM 195 North, a clistancc ol' 2,2 t 8 fcct co a point; - <br />T11E- NCr eastcrly ;i distance af 614 ('cet to ihe centerline of PM 195 Norili <br />and thc existins Paris city limits linc; <br />'fIIGNCG southwesierly ;ilong the centerline ol' rM 195 North anQ the <br />existing ['aris city limits line a clist;ince of 2,868 fect to the place oF begimiing, <br />containing 60.15 acres. <br />'_r,~et 1? <br />T3rCTNN(NC at the intersection of thc nortli ►•ibht-of-way line of US I-Iwy <br />271 South ;ind thc north i•iSht-of-tvay linc of FM 1508; <br />TIiGNCI: casterly alonb the noreh right-of-way linc of FM 1508 ancl the <br />existing Paris city limits line ,l (IISl811CC OI' 1,503 fecf ro,1 noint in the west <br />boundary linc of Cox !'ielcl Airport; <br />TI-1rNCr northerly along the exisling 11'aris city limits line and west <br />hounclary linc; ol' Cox r-icld Airport a distance of 4,319 fcct to a Point in thc <br />cxisting l:eno city limits linc, saicl point heing 600 fect south of the south ribht-of- <br />way linc ol' County Road 12100 (Ol(1 Clarksvillc P.oacl); <br />TI-IrNCC: wcsterly, parallel to and GOOr'fcet s01.1111 of thc soutli ribht-of-wsiy <br />linc of County Road 12100 (Ol(l 'Clarl:sville Roacl), a distance of 3,574 feet to a <br />poinl in thc cxisting Rcnc> city limits line; <br />'1'f IGNCG northcrly along Ihc existing Reno city limits line a distince of - <br />CQO feet ro a point in Ihe south right-of-way line of County Road 12100 (Ol(! <br />Clarksville Roacl); <br />`1'[TrNCI: weslerly alonb the cxisting P.cno ciry limits line and the south <br />ribht-of-way line of County Road 12100 (Old Clarksvillc l:ond) ,i distance af 2,814 <br />feet to a noint, saicl point bcing 150 Peet west of thc intcrsection of the south right- <br />of-way line of County Road 12100 (Old Clarksvillc Road) and the wcst right-of <br />way line of County Road 12120 (ICcy Wcst Road or 13111 Strcct S.W. in Rcno); <br />T1-IrNCr nordhcrly, naraUcl to ancl ISO feet wcst of thc west right-of way <br />line of County Road 12120 (Key West Road or 13111 Street S.W. in Reno), a <br />distance of 887 fcG1 ro apoint in thc north right-of-tiv<<y line of the former Missouri- <br />('.ici(ic Railroad; . <br />21 <br />