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THT:NCC soulhwestcrly along the norlh ribht-of-Way line of the former <br />Missouri-Paeific Railroad a eiistanee of 5,814 feet to the existing Paris eity limits <br />line as est,iblished by Ordinance No. I816 ol'ihe City or Paris, passecl and adopteci <br />on the 3rcl day or 1'cbruary, 1967; <br />THCNCr southc;istcrly alnng thc cxisting Paris city limits line a distance <br />of 1,089 feet ro i point; <br />THCNCr soulherly alonb the existing Paris cily limits linc a distance of 430 <br />feet to ;i Point in the norIh rig►it_of-w;►y line of US llwy 271 South, saicl point being <br />aPproximitcly I,635 lect caslcrly oF saicl highway's north right-of-way line's <br />intcrsection witli thc south right-of-way line of thc formcr Missouri-Pacific <br />Rai I cot►d; <br />THLNCC southeasterly ,ilong Ihe north ribht-of-way line or US i-Twy 271 <br />South and thc existing Paris city limits line a Qistance o1' 7,49G feet to Ihe place of <br />beginninb, containing 1,22£,89 acres. <br />Tracul'i <br />(3GGINNINC al a point in the north right-of-w;iy line of Lake Crook Road, <br />the existins Paris City limits li <br />l <br />ne, ;inc <br />the wcst ri~ht-of-w, y line of the TCiamichi <br />Railroaul; <br />"f(1GNC17-- norlhcrly ;ilong the north right-of-way,line or I ake Crook Ro,td <br />Blld (l1C CXiSIIIIb 1l:IfIS Clly III111tS ItI1C ;l (JiSflIIICC 0f $ <br />740 rC <br />[ <br />, <br />C <br />t0 1 rOiftf !Il lI1C SOUIII <br />right-of-way line of County l:oad 32900; - <br />TI-11.NCG easterly ,ilong the soulh ribht-of-way line of County Roncl 32900 <br />a clist, <br />ancc or 1,966 IcCI f0 II POltll; <br />Ti[GNCfs soulherly ;ilong the west righl-o1=way line ol'County P.oaQ 32900 <br />. <br />a clistanee or 916 feet to apoint; <br /> <br />TiIENCr castcrly .ilong thc soulh risht-of-way linc of County Road 32900 <br />' <br />a distancc ol <br />2,154 fcct to a point; <br />` <br />TI IGNCG southcrly along (he wcst right-of-way line of Caunty Road 32900 <br /> <br />a distincc oC588 fccl to a noint; <br />, <br />THCNCC casterly alonb Ihc south riblu-of-way line of County Road 32900 ~ <br />a clistance of 713 feet to a <br />oint <br />said <br />i <br />• <br />p <br />, <br />po <br />nt hcinb 500 Icct west of the centerline or <br />the ribht-of-way of US I-Iwy 271 Norlh; . <br />: <br />THr-_NCr soticiierly, paraUel to ancl 500 fect west or lhe centerline of the <br />' <br />. <br />right-of-wiy of US F(wy 271 North, a clistance of 5,745 fcet to the place of <br />beginning, containin5 4£4 acres. <br />Seetion 2. The above-Qescribeil terri►ory ancl area so annexed shall Ue part o(' the City of <br />Paris, Paris, Texas, ancl ihe property so adclecl hereby shall bear its pro rati part of lhe t:txcs levied <br />by Ihe City of Paris, P,iris, Texas,..ancl the inhabitants'thercof shall he entitled to all of the rights <br />ancl privilegcs or all ihe citizcns ancl shall bc hounQ hy the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and <br />rcbulations of thc City of 1',iris, Paris, '!'cxas. <br />Section 3. The service plan provicling for lhe extension al' municina( serviees inro the <br />above-descrihecl rerritory, ,ittachecl hereto ;is I--zxhihif A, is hereUy ;inproved. <br />Seetion 4. `I'he ahove-dcscribecl lerritory is herehy zoned Temporary Agricullural (A) unon <br />1nnCx,llion ;ts proviclcd for in 7_oning Orclin;incc No. 1710 0l' Illc Cicy of I'aris, Paris, 1'exas. <br />.Section S. It is herthy declarCCl to be the intentipn ol' Ihe Cily CoUncil Of IIIC City Of P:1fiS <br />lhat the sections, Paragraphs, sentences, cliuses, incl phrases of [his ordinance are severahlc, and, <br />if any rhrase, clause, sentence, r,u•agrarh, o►° section of lhis orclintince sh111 be declared <br />unconstitutional or invaliQ by Ihe valiel judgment or dccree of any caur( of comPetent juriscliction, <br />such unconstitutionality ,or invalidity shall not affect any oF the re►naining phrases, clauses, <br />sentences, paragraphs, ancl sections o1'this ordinnnce, sinee the same would have been enaeted by <br />lhc City.•Council without the incorporation in this orclinancc of any unconstitutional or inv.ilicl <br />Phrases; clauses, sentences; P;►r,tbraphs, or scctions. <br />?2 <br />i'' ~ <br />