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. Seclion G. It is further hereby cicclareQ to be the intcnlion of the City Council of the City <br />af Paris to exclude any area or areas descrihed in the clescrintion of the Property to be annexed, <br />which are not within said City's jurisdiction to annCx 1nd that such area or nreas should be carvecl <br />out of the clescriPtion hy the valid judgmcnt or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, in <br />order that such arca or ;irc;,lS \VOIIICI Il0( CS1llSC II11S 111I1CX1U0t1 01'(I1f1111CC IO be rOllT1CI f0 be If1V1Ii(J, <br />voidable, or voicl. <br />Scclion 7. lt is (iirlhrc hcrchy clcclarecl to hc thc intcnlion of thc City Council af ihc City <br />of Paris to exelude any ;irea or areas clescrihecl in.the description of the property ta be annexeQ, <br />~ which encroich upon ihc City ol' Itcno's city limits as existinb at thc; ti,ne of the "Agreemenl <br />ApPortioninb Exlraterritori.►I luriscliciion Ovcrlap," d.itccl Octohcr 198el, or upon that portion <br />of (Zeno's exh•aterrirorial jurisclic;tion aprorlionccl to Rcno hy said Agreemcnt, and that such arca <br />• or areis should be carvccl out of the dcscriPtion hy ihe valid juclgmcnt or dccree of any court of <br />~ competent juriscliction in orcler that such area or ;lreas Woulcl noc csiuse this amnexaiion ordinance <br />. ro hc 1'ouncl to hc invalicl, voicl:ihlr, or void. . <br />Scclion B. This ordin,incc shill be Puhlitihcd an(l nassed in tlic m;inncr providecl in Arliclc <br />[I, Scction 7, of lhc Charrcr of iIic City ol' 1'aris, Paris, 'I'rxas. <br />, 1'ASSI,1) i1NI) AI)OP'1'I:1) tliis ISth clay of Dcccmhcr., 1997. ' <br />~ <br />, . , <br />. _ , <br />:ric S. clil7ord, ~Mayor ; <br />A'I"!'rST: <br />~ Matlie Cunnint~l~;un, Ciry Clerk y- <br />APl'ROV[.1) S 'O rORM: <br />~X <br />. K. I-laynes, iry Atlorney <br /> <br />~ <br />I <br />rI <br /> <br />23 <br />