THENCE woth the South line of said church
<br />property N 89 31' W, 370.1 feet to said East
<br />Right-of-way of Highway 271;
<br />THENCE with said right-of-way along a
<br />curve to the SE having a radius of 11,434
<br />„ feet, a distance of 552.9 feet to the South-
<br />west corner of a tract conveyed to Abbcos,
<br />Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 631, Page 291;
<br />THENCE along the South line of said Abbcos
<br />Tract, s 85° E, 250 feet to the Southeast corner
<br />of said Abbcos 8 ract;
<br />THENCE S 4 21' E, 325 feet along the current
<br />City Limits line to the point of beginning contain-
<br />ing 13.15 acres, more or less.
<br />Section 2. The above described territory and area so
<br />annexed shall be aprt of the City of Paris, Texas, and the
<br />property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata part of
<br />the taxes leived by the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and
<br />the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the
<br />rights and privileges of all the citizens and shall be
<br />bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations
<br />of the City fo Paris,' Paris, Texas,
<br />Section 3. The above described territory is hereby
<br />zoned Commercial District (C) upon annexation as provided
<br />for in 'Loning Ordinance No. 1710 of the City of Paris,
<br />Paris, Texas,
<br />Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention
<br />` of the City Council of the City ofiparis that the sections,
<br />'paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance
<br />are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph
<br />or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconStitutional
<br />or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of any court of
<br />competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalid-
<br />ity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses,
<br />sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since
<br />the same would have been enacted by the City Council without
<br />the incorporation in this ordinance of any unconstitutional
<br />or invalid.,phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections.
<br />It is further hereby declared to beh the intention of the City
<br />Council of the City of Paris to exclude any area or areas de-
<br />scribed in tfie description of the property to be annexed,
<br />which are not within said City's jurisdiction to annex and
<br />that such area or areas should be carved out of the description
<br />of the property herein described by the valid judgment or de-
<br />cree of any court of competent jurisdiction, in order that
<br />such area or areas would not cause this annexation ordinance
<br />to be found to be invalid, voidable or void.
<br />Section 5, This ordinance shall be puUlished and passed
<br />in the manner provided in Article II, Section 7, of th_e
<br />Charter of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas.
<br />Passed and adopted this 13th day of SepteMber, 19.82,
<br />e Graham, Mayor
<br />ATTEST:
<br />H. . G ene, City C er
<br />AP 0 E TO FORM:
<br />T. K Haynes, City Attorney
<br />