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TfIENCE N 0 deg. 26' E along t}ie East boundary <br />line of 39th Street S. E. a distance of 25.0 feet to a <br />_ concrete monument for corner; <br />1TIENCE N 89 deg. 33' W a distance of 200. 0 feet <br />to a concrete monument for corner in the West boundary <br />~ line of said 44 acre tract, the Southwest corner of <br />, Lot 22, Block A of said subdivision; <br />1'HENCE N 0 deg. 26' E along the West Boundary <br />Line oF said 44 acre tract a distance of 20. 0 feet to the <br />place of beginning and containing 27. 68 acres of land <br />more or less. <br />was held at Paris, Texas, on the 11th day of April, 1977, which date <br />is not more than twenty nor less r.han ten days prior to the institu- <br />tion of annexation proceedings; and, <br />WIiEREAS, notice of such Public hearing was published in a <br />newspaper having general circulation in the City of Paris, Texas, <br />and in the above described territory, on the 24th day of March, <br />1977, which date is not more than twenty nor less than ten days <br />prior to the date of such public heariiig; <br />VVHEREAS, the total corporate area of the City of Paris, <br />Paris, Texas, on the first day of January, 1977, was 13, 879. 539 <br />acres; and, <br />WI-1EftEAS, the population of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, <br />, is in excess of 5, 000 and less than 25, 000 inhabitants; and, <br />I <br />VA-1EREAS, the above described territory lies within the ex- <br />traterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas; and, <br />WI-iEREAS, the above desCriUed territory lies adjacent to and <br />adjoins the City of Paris, Paris, Texas; and, <br />WHEREAS, the above described territory contains 27. 68 <br />acres, more .or ]ess, which when added to other property annexed in <br />the year 1977 is less than ten per cent (1017.) of the present acreage <br />contained in the corporate limits oE the City of Paris, Texas; and, <br />WHEI2CAS, the above descriUed property should be properly <br />zoned as of the date of annexation; NOW, TI-1ERETORE, <br />BE IT ORDAINCD BY TI-1E CTTI' COUNCIL OF Tf-1E CITY OF <br />PARIS: <br />Section 1. Ilie following described land and territory 'lying <br />adjacent to and adjoining the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, is hereby <br />added and annexed to the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and said <br />territory hereinafter described shall hereafter be included within the <br />boundary limits oE the City of Paris, Texas, and the present boundary <br />limits of said city, at the various points contigtious to the area here- <br />inafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said area <br />within the corPorate ]imits of the City of Paris, Texas, to-wit: <br />