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I - r). '(o '0 <br />OR.DINANCE NO. 1787 . <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF 1'ARIS, TEXAS, AND THE.ANNEXA- <br />TION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY CON5ISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 22.26 <br />ACRES OF LAND, W tiICII SAID TERRITORY LIES AD.JACEN'T TO AND <br />ADJOIN5 THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LJMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS,, <br />T:EXAS. <br />r <br />WFiEREAS9 a public hearing before the City Council of the City of Paris, <br />Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be <br />heard on the proposed annexation of the following described territory: <br />Situated in the County of Lamar and State of Texas, and being <br />a part of the I. Cruise Survey, and being located on the East Side of <br />the Gordon Country Club Road and Nari;h of the Old Bonham Road, <br />and described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point in tlie E. B. Line of the Gordon Lalce Roady <br />which point is approximately 1140 feet South of the South Boundary <br />Line of U.S. Higliway 82 West, said poini; being the Sout;hern inter- <br />section of the present City Limi.t Line with the E. B. Line of the <br />` Gordon Lalce Road; <br />Thence South with the E. B. Line of {:he Gordon Lake Road, <br />approximately 1972 feet 1;o tlze intersection of the E. B. of the <br />Gordon Lalce Road and the N. B. Line of the Ol.d Bonham Road; <br />Thence East with the North Boundary Line of the Old Bonham <br />Road approximately 690 feet to i:he present Cii;y Li.init Line. <br />was h@ld at Paris, Texas, on the 27t1i day of June, A. D,,, 1966, which date is <br />not more than twenty nor less than ten clays prior to the institution of annexa- <br />tion proceedings; and, <br />WHEREAS, notice of such public liearing was published in a newspaper <br />having general circulation in the City of Paris, Texas, and in the above de- <br />scribed territory, on the lbth day of June, A. D., 1966, which date is not more <br />than twenty nor l.ess i:han ten days prior to the date of such public hearing; andp <br />WHEREAS, the population of the City of Paris, Texas, is in excess of <br />52 000 and less than 25, 000 inhabitani:s; anda <br />WHERE.AS, the above described territory J.ies within the extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction of the City of Paris, Texas; andp <br />W fiERE.AS, the above descriUed territory lies adjacent i:o and adjoins the' <br />City of Paris, Texas; and, <br />, WHEREA59 the above descriUed territory contains approximately 22.26 <br />' acres; and, <br />WHEREf1S, the above described terrii;ory contains less than ten per cent <br />(101yo) of the present acreage contained in the corporate limits of the City of <br />Paris, Texas; NOW, THEREr ORE, <br />BE IT ORDAIN.CD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE i,ITY OF PARISF <br />TEXAS: <br />