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• <br />ORD?NANGE NO. 1768 . <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, AND THE ANNEX.ATION <br />OF CERTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF APMOXIMATELY 5EVEN ACRES <br />OI' LAND, WHICH SAID TERRITORY LIES AD.TACEiNT TO AND ADJOINS THE <br />PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMTTS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS. <br />W[3EREA5, a public hearing before the City Council of the City of Paris9 <br />Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be <br />heard on the proposed annexation of the following described territory: <br />Situated in the County of Lamar and State of Texas, and being <br />a part of the George W. Cux Survey$ and being all of the two tracts <br />of land, one of wiiich was conveyed to UARCO, ING. by Westinglwuse <br />Electric Corporation, by deed dated May 1, 1956, recorded in Book <br />350, Page 31, of the Lamar County D-aed Records, and one tract <br />conveyed to UARCO, INC. by the Paris Junior College District, by <br />deed dated January 3, 1956, recorded in Book 347, Page 256, oi the <br />Lamar County Deed Records, reference to both of which deeds is <br />here made for all necessary purposes; <br />Said property is further generally described: <br />Beginning at the N. E. Corner of the tract conveyed to UARCO,, <br />, INC, by W estinghouse, a point in the South Boundary Line of U.S. <br />Highway 271 and being the present N.W. Corner of a tract of land <br />now owned by W estinghouse Electric Curporation; <br />Thence in a Southerly direction with the W. B. Line of the <br />present Westinghouse property to the fence ou the North Boundary <br />Line of the Right of W ay of the Te:cas & Pacific Railway; <br />~ Thence in a W esterly direci:ion with the North Soundary Line <br />of said Railway Right of Way to the S. W,, Corner of the Paris Junior <br />Gollege to UARCO.,, INC. tract, a stake in the E. B. Line of a tract <br />now owned by Paris Junior Callege; <br />ThenceNortherly with the E. B. Line ot the Paris Junior College <br />tract and the W.I3. Line of a tract conveyed to UARCO by Pari.s <br />Junior College to a stake in the S. B. Line of U. S. Highway 271; <br />Tlience in au Easteily direction vith the S. S. Litie of U. S. <br />' Highway 271 to the p].ace ot beginning. <br />It being the intention to above all of the property <br />owned by UARCO.,, INC. lying between W estinghouse Electric <br />Corporation and the I'n~the North Z,ine o pthe R ght of W ay of the <br />of U. S. Highway 271 <br />Texas & Pacific Railroad. <br />was held at Paris, Texas, on the 24th day of January, A. D,, 1966, which date , <br />is not more thau twenty nor less than ten days prior to the institution of <br />annexation proceedings; and, <br />WI3EREAS., notice of such puUlic hearing was pubJ.ished in a newspaper <br />having general circulation in the City of Paris,, Texasi 6~ lwh ch a tee s not <br />scribed territorya on the l~~ h d~e ysnpr~or t the, date of such public hearing; <br />mo~e than twenty nor le <br />and, I <br />' WHEREAS9 the population of the City of Paris, Texas, is in excess of <br />~ 50 000 and less than 25, 000 inhabitants; and, <br />WHERE.AS, the above described terrii;ory lies within the extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction of the City of Paris, Texas; and, <br />