WHEREAS, the above described territory lies adjacent to and adjoins
<br />the City of Paris, Texas; and,
<br />W.l~EREA5, the above described territory contains approximately seven
<br />(7) acres; and,
<br />WHERE.AS, the above desciibed i:errit;ory coul:aius less than ten per
<br />cent (107o) of the pi eseni: acreage coritained in the corporate limits of tlie City
<br />of Paris, Texas; NOW,, THEZEFOREt
<br />TEXAS:
<br />Section 1. The following described land and territory lying adjacent to
<br />and adjoining the City of Paris, Texas, is hereby added and annexed to the
<br />Gity of Paris,, Texas, and said territory hereinafter described sha1X hereafter
<br />be included within the boundary limits of the City of Paris9 Texas, and the
<br />p-resent boundary limits of said city, at the various points contiguous to the
<br />area hereinafter described, are altered atid amended so as to incl.ude said area
<br />within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, Texas, to -wit:
<br />5ituated in the County of Latnar and State of Texas, aud being
<br />a part of the George W. Cox Survey, and being aU of the two tracts
<br />of land, one of which was conveyed L-o UARCO, INC„ by Westinghouse
<br />~ Electric Corporatian by deed dated May 1, 1956, recorded in Sook
<br />350, Page 31, of the Lamar Gounty lleed Records,, and one tract
<br />conveyed to UARCO, INC, by the Paris Ju►iior College D',strict, by
<br />deed dated January 3, 1956, recorded in Book 347, Page 256, of the
<br />Lamar County Deed Records, reference to both of which deeds is
<br />~ here made for all necessary purposes;
<br />Said property is further generally described:
<br />Beginning at the N. E. Cornerof the tract conveyed to UARCO.,
<br />INC,- by Westinghouse, a point in the 5outh Boundary Line of U.S.
<br />Highway 271 and being the present N. W„ Corner of a tract of land
<br />now owcied by W e stingho us e EJ.ectric Co rpo r a{;io n;
<br />Thence in a Soul;herly direction wiLh the W. B. Line of the
<br />present Westinghouse property to the fence on the North Boundary
<br />Line of the Right of W ay of the Texas & Pacific Railway;
<br />Thence in a Westerly direction with the North Boundary Line
<br />of said Railway Right of Way to the S.W„ Corner of the Paris Junior
<br />CoU.ege to UARCO,~ INC. tract,, a stake in the E. B. Line of a tract
<br />, now owned by Paris Junior Col.lege;
<br />Thence Nori;herly with the E. B. L'zne of the Paris Junior College
<br />tract and the W. B. Lirie of a tract conveyed to UARCO by Paris
<br />Junior College to a stake in the S. B. Line of U. S. Highway 271;
<br />Thence in an Easterly di.rection with the 5.. B.. Line of U.S.
<br />Highway 271 to the place of beginning.
<br />It being the intention to describe above all of the property
<br />owned by UARCO,, INC, lying between Westinghouse E3.ectric
<br />Corporation and the Paris Junior College property and lying South
<br />of U, S. Highway 271 and the North Line of the Right of W ay of the
<br />Texas & Pacific Railroad.
<br />5ection 2. The aUove described territory and area so annexed shall be
<br />a part of the City of Paris$ Texas, and the property so added hereby shall bear
<br />its pro rata part of the taxes levied by the City of Paris, Texas, and the in-
<br />habitants thereof shall be entitled to aL1 of the rights and privileges of all the
<br />citizens and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations
<br />of the City of Parisa Texas. That the above property is hereby annexed to the
<br />City of Paris with a zoning classification of Light Industrial as defined in Zoning
<br />Ordinance No. 1710.
<br />