WHEREAS, the toi;al corporate area of the Gity of Paris, Texas, on the lst
<br />day of January, A. D. , 1965, was more than nine times the size of the above de-
<br />scribed acreage; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the population of the City of Paris, Texas, is 5, 000 or more
<br />inhabitants but less than 25, 000 inhabitani;s; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the above described territory lies within the extraterritorial
<br />jurisdiction of the City of Paris, Texas; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the above described territory lies adjacent to and adjoins the
<br />City of Paris, Texas; and,
<br />WHEREA5, the above described terrii:ary contains less than ten per cent
<br />of the present acreage contained in the corporate limits of the Cii:y of Paris,
<br />Texas; NOW, THEREFORE,
<br />TEXAS:
<br />Section 1. The following described land and territory lying adjacent to and
<br />adjoining the City of Paris, Te:c.as, is hereby added and annexed to the Gity of
<br />Paris, Texas, and said terrii:ory hereinafter described shall hereafter be in-
<br />cluded within the boundary litnits of the City of Paris, TeYas, and the present
<br />boundary limits of such City, at the various points contiguous to the area herein-
<br />after described, are altered and amended so as to include said area within the
<br />corporate limits of the City of Paris, Texas, to-wii;:
<br />5ituated in the County of Lamar and State of Texas, and being described
<br />►as follows:
<br />Beginning at a stalce where the most Western Gity Limi.t Line of the
<br />Ci.ty of Pari.s intersects the S. S. Line of Highway 82;
<br />Thence West with the S. B. Line of Highway 82 to the North West
<br />Corner of a traci; of land belonging to Kay Brown and described as follows:
<br />, i
<br />Situated in Lamar County, Texas, a pari; of the Isaac Cruise Survey,
<br />and being a part of a 90. 13 acre tract of land conveyed Kay Brown by deed
<br />recorded in Vol. 390, Page 132, of the Deed Records of said Couni:y and
<br />State.
<br />Beginning at a stake for corner in the South Boundary Line of Sonham
<br />St. , said point being the Northeast corner of said Brown tract;
<br />Thence South along the Easi; Boundary Line of said tract, a distance
<br />of 1110 ft. to a stake for corner;
<br />Thence West a distance of 720 ft. to a stake for corner;
<br />Thence North a distance of 1110 ft. to a stake for corner in the South*
<br />Soundary Line of Bonham 5t. ;
<br />Thence East along the 5outh Boundary Line of Bonham St. , a distance
<br />of 720 ft. to the place of beginning;
<br />~ Thence South a distance of 1110 feet;
<br />Thence East with the S. B. Line of the Kay Iirown tract to the 5outh
<br />East Corner of said tract;
<br />Thence North with the E. B. Line of the Kay B.rown tract to a point
<br />300 feet 5outh of the' S. B. Line of Highway 82;
<br />Thence •East and parallel with the S. B. Line of Highway 82 to the
<br />W. B. Line of the preserit City Limits;
<br />Thence South with said West Soundary Line i:o a point which would
<br />be a westward extension of the N. B. Line of Sherman Street to a point
<br />600 feet W est of the centerline of the oui:er loop of Highway Loop No. 286;
<br />Thence Soui:h and East and parallel with the centerline aforesaid at a
<br />distance of 600 feet from said centerline, to a point in a road which would
<br />be the extension of 6th Street, S. E. ;
<br />Thence North with the W. B. Line of said extension of bth Street, S. E.
<br />~ to the existing Cii;y Limit Li.ne in South Paris.
<br />