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~ <br />The inhabita.nts within said annexed territory are and shall hereafter be <br />entitled to enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities of-citizens of the <br />City of Paris, and all laws, ordinances, rules, reaolutions, acts, and regula.. <br />tions of said City now in force in said City Qf Paris, and that ma.y be here- <br />after passed, shall be and are in full force and effect in said territory hereby <br />annexed, and admitted, said area to be admitted under a Residential zoning <br />classification. <br />Section 2. That the present boundaries of Ward Four of the City of <br />Paria be, and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include <br />within said Ward Four all of the said property which is described above, and <br />the sarne is hereby iiicorporated in said Ward Four of the City of Paris. <br />Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby instructed to ma,ke a complete <br />survey of the above described territory and to mark the boundaries thereof <br />by proper monuments; and to survey, esta.blish and open, under the direction <br />of the City Manager, all streets, roads, alleys and ways in said territory <br />dedicated to public usej and to and file with the City Clerk a complete <br />map of said newly annexed territory shovying all property lines, lots, and <br />tracts therein, together with the narnes of the owners of same, and all <br />streets, alleys, roads, and ways dedicated to public use, and to immediately <br />, correct the ma.p of -the City of Paris so as to add thereto, the additional <br />territory described herein, indicating on such ma,p the date -of annexa.tion, <br />~ the number of the ordinances and reference to the minutes or ordinance <br />records of the City of Paris where such instrument is recorded in full. <br />Section 4. The City Tax Assesaor and Collector of Taxes of the City <br />of Paris is hereby directed to list all lots, tracts and property. situated in <br />said ;itnnexed territory on the ta,x rolls of the City of Paris and hereafter to <br />assess same for ta.xes in accordance with law. <br />Section 5, This ordinance sha.ll become effective upon fina,l passage. <br />Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council an the lOth day of <br />August, A. D. , 1959. <br />Passed on first reading on August 10, 1959; passed on second reading <br />on September 14, 1959; and passed on final reading on November 9, 1959. <br />Mayor <br />~ATTE T: <br />. a <br />City Clerk <br />A PPRO VED AS TO FORM: <br />. <br />/ ~iL~'_~L , ~ <br />City Att rney. <br />