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ORDINANCE N0. <br />AN QRDIAIANCE ANNEXING, ADMITTING AND INCORPORATING ADDITIONAL <br />TERRITORY TN LAMAR COUNTY, TEX1i,S, LXING ADJACENT TO THF, CITY OF. PARIS, <br />TEXAS, INTO AND AS A PART OF SAID CITY OF PARIS, EXTENDING THE BOIINDARY <br />LIMITS pF.THE CITY OF PARIS_SO AS TO.INCLUDE AND EMBRACE SAID AAJACENT <br />TERRITORY,.CONFERRING ALL.RIGFLrS, PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES.OF CITIZEN- <br />SHIP . UPON THE INHABTTANTS OF SAID TERRTTORY, EXTEAIDING. TfE BOIINDQIES <br />OF.WARD THREE SO AS TO FMBRACE AND.INCLUDE ALL pF SAID ANNEXED TERRITQRY <br />AND INCORPORATING THE SAME IN SAID WARA THREE OF SAID CITY, PROVIDING <br />THEIT.ALL ORDINANCES, RULES,.REGULATIONS,.AND LAWS IN EFFECT IN THE.CITY <br />QF PARIS AND.THAT MAY HEREAFTER BE PASSED IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT TN. <br />SAID TERRTTORY AFTER PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE, INSTRIJCTING THE CITY <br />ENGINEER TO MAKE A SURVEy FIXING AND ESTABLTSIiCNG THE BOUNIaARY LIMITS <br />OF SAID CITY TN ACCORUANCE HEREWITH AND TO CONS'i'RUCT A COMPLETE_ MRP, OF <br />SUCH TERRITORY SHOWING STREETS, ALLEYS, LOTS, TRACTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS <br />AND TO FILE SAME WITH THE CITY CLERK AND_TO CQRRECT THE MAP OF THE CITY <br />OF PARIS SO AS TO AAD SUCH TERRITORY THERETO; AND INSTRIJCTING THE CITY <br />ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF TAXES TO LIST ALL PROPERTY THEREIN AND PLAGE <br />SAME ON THE.TAX ROLLS OF THE CITY OF,PARIS AND HEREAFTER ASSESS SAME <br />FCt TAXE$. IN, ACCORDANCE WITH LA.W. , <br />BE IT ORDAINED HY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS: <br />Section 1. That the following described territory in Lama.r Covnty, <br />Texas, lying ad,jacent to the present boundary limits of the City of Paris <br />be, and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Paris and achnitted into <br />the corporation of such City, and is hereby made and constituted a part <br />and portion of the City of Paris and the Boundary Limits of the City of <br />Paris are hereby extended so as to include and eubrace said terrftory and <br />to ,conform to same as herein set out, to-wit: <br />Beginning at a point fn the West Boundary Line of the City of <br />Paris where said West City Limit Line crosses the North Boundary <br />Line of Center Street, this point fur-rher being located as being <br />740 feet, more or less, West of the West Boundary Line of North <br />Main Street or U. S. Highway 271 North, as measuxed in the said <br />North Boundaxy Line of Center Street; Thence in a Westerly, <br />Northwesterly and Westerly direction along the North Boundary <br />Line of Center Street passing 7th St., N. W. and crossing the <br />St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, and continuinq along the <br />North Boundaxy Line of Center Street, to a point in the North <br />Boundary Line of Center Street, said point beinq 50 teet North <br />of the North East corner of the Hendricks Cenetery; Thence South <br />50 feet across Center Street. and continuing on South with <br />the E. B. Line of said Hendricks Cenetery tmits South East corner, <br />and continuing on South to a point in the existinq City Limit Line <br />of the City of Paxis, in all a distance of 1700 feet, more or <br />less; Thence in a Westerly direction along the existing City Limit <br />Line to a point in said existing City Limit Line, said point being <br />200 feeE North East of the North Boundary Line of Henderson Street <br />as measuxed perpindicular to the said North Boundary Line of <br />Hea►derson Street; Thence in a West Northwestexly direction <br />parallel to and 200 feet North East of and perpindicular to the <br />North Boundary Line of Henderson Street to a point in the existing <br />Ci,ty Limit Line, said point beinq 200 feet East ot the East <br />Bounc3ary Line of 19th St., N. W. and 200 feet North of the North <br />Brnu►dary Line of Henderson Street; Thence in a Northerly direction <br />parallel to and 200 feet East of anci measured pexpindicular to the <br />East Boundary Line of 19th St., N. W. 328 feert to a point, said <br />'point being 280 feet East of the Easterly moat South East corner <br />of the Legion Airfield, and also being the West Boundary Line of <br />19th St., N. W.; Thence West 280 feet a stake, being the South <br />v East corner of the Legion Airport property and the W. B. Line of <br />19th St., N. W.; Thence in a Southezly direction along the West <br />Boundary Line of 19th St., N. W. to a point in the existing City <br />Limit Line, said point being 80 feet West of the intersection of <br />the South Boundary Line of Henderson Street and the East Boundary <br />Line of 19th St., N. W.; Thence East crossing 19th St., N. W. a <br />