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distance of $0 feet, a corner, said corner being the <br />South East corner of the intersection of Henderson <br />Street at lgth St., N.W.; Thence North along the East <br />Boundary Line of 19th St., N. W. a distance of 300 <br />feet, a corner, said corner being a point in the East <br />Boundary Line of 19th St., N. W.; Thence East parallel <br />to and 300 feet North of the South Boundary Line of <br />Henderson Street, a distance of 200 feet, a corner; <br />Thence South parallel to and 200 feet East of the East <br />Boundary Line of 19th St., N. W. a distance of 300 <br />feet, a corner, said corner being 200 feet East of the <br />East Boundary Line of 19th St., N. W. also known as <br />F. M. Highway No. 79; Thence in a South Easterly <br />direction with the South Boundary Line of Henderson <br />Street, a distance of 1070 feet, a corner, said corner <br />being the South West intersection of West Henderson <br />Street at 16th St., N. W.; Thence East a distance of <br />, 1$00 feet more or less, a corner, said corner being a <br />point in the East Boundary Line of llth St., N. W.; <br />Thence North along the East Boundary Line of llth St., <br />N. W., a distance of 200 feet, a corner; Thence East <br />a distance of 1320 feet a corner, said corner being a <br />point in the West Boundary Line of the Paris Parks <br />property; Thence North along the East Boundary Line of <br />7th St., N. W. a distance of 300 feet, a corner, said <br />corner being the North West corner of the Paris Parks <br />property; Thence East a distance of 1150 feet, a <br />corner, said corner being the most Northern South West <br />corner of the City of.Paris property; Thence North <br />along a west Boundary Line of the said City of Paris <br />~ property a distance of 210 feet, a corner, said corner <br />being the North west corner of the City of Paris <br />property; Thence East along the North Boundary Line of <br />~ the City of Paris property a distance of 230 feet, more <br />or less, a corner, said corner being in the North <br />Boundary Line of the City of Paris property; Thence <br />, North 377 feet to the place of beginning. <br />The inhabitants within said annexed territory are and <br />shall hereafter be entitled to enjoy all the rights, privi- <br />leges and immunities of citizens of the City of Paris, and all <br />laws, ordinances, rules, resolutions, acts, and regulations <br />of said City now in force in said City of Paris, and that may <br />be hereafter passed, shall be and are in full force and effect <br />in said territory hereby annexed and admitted. <br />Section 2. That the present boundaries of Ward Three <br />of the City of Paris be, and the same are hereby extended so <br />as to embrace and include within said Ward Three all of the <br />said property which is described above, and.the same is hereby <br />incorporated in said Ward Three of the City of Paris. <br />Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby instructed to <br />make a complete survey of the above described territory and to <br />mark the boundaries thereof by proper monuments; and to survey, <br />establish and open, under the direction of the City Manager, <br />a11 streets, roads, alleys and ways in said territory dedicated <br />to public use; and to make and file with the City Clerk a <br />complete map of said newly annexed territory showing all <br />property lines, lots, and tracts therein, together with the <br />names of the owners of same, and all streets, alleys, roads <br />and ways dedicated to public use; and to immediately correct <br />the map of the City of Paris so as to add thereto, the addi- <br />tional territory described herein, indicating on such map the <br />dateaf annexation, the number of the ordinance and reference <br />to the minutes or ordinance records of the City of Paris where <br />such instrument is recorded in full. <br />