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The irihauiLants Vfii;hin said annc,:eu -tez•iitories are and s1ia:Ll liere- <br />af ter be eni:i-tl ed l.o enjn)- all the ri:_;l,is, ;:,rivile-;es aru1 :u:unun:i of ci i:i- <br />[.@Il.ri Of the l.ltj' of 811Cj a.ll I.ciC1S, Q1't'llll?IICE?:i. I'Ul@S, resoli.iLIi_ums, ul:t5 <br />and reyulations of saicl City novr in iorce in saicl i;ity vi= i'arIs, and l:i_jc i:ia,. <br />ue l-iereafter passecl, sliall ue anc.l are in full force anc1 offeCt in saicl terri- <br />tories ]iereUy annexed and ad;;iitt;ed. <br />SecLiori 2. 'ihat l:lie preseril: ;:,ouu(aaz•ics ui Jard T'liree ut the GiL~' c.,i <br />k'aris Ue and the same az•e tiereb; exte►~c~ecl sv as Lu ciuD.r~~ce and ii~clucle tl,e <br />hereinabove clescribed properties anil tlte sauie is hereby incurporaLed ii1 said <br />L'Jard Three o f the Ci ty o x 1'aris. <br />Section 3. '1'he City Erigineer is lie.r.eby instructecl i:o iaal:e a cw~iplete <br />survey of t}ie above descriuecl terri i;ories aiicl i:o ,;iarlc the bouniciaries thereof <br />by proper monuments; and to survey, esta»J.ish ;:nd :;pc.n, unJer the direr.tiun uI <br />the City Manager, all streets~ roads, aJ.leys ancl ways in said Lerri{:ories de- <br />dicated to puulic use; arid Lo mal<c and File vritli L1he City (;.ter.': a comp.1e te r:iap <br />of said newly anner,cd 'Cerri.turies slwwinj all property 1`Lnes, lvis and tracl:s <br />-ttierein, togel:her wii:h the rianies of the uv:nes•s of "aine, and a1.1 stree-ts, <br />alleys, roads anel ways dedicated to puulic use; aiid i;o i:tu;iecliately curxecL -l;he <br />map of the City of 1'aris so as to adcl tliele Lo the acldi tional LerriCuries <br />described ],exein, indicating on such rnap the date oF anne„ation, the numnber uf <br />the ordinance and reference tu tlie nta.nul:es or orclirlance records of tfic; c;ity oi <br />Paris where sucli ins truiiient is recorded in full. <br />Section 4. The City 1'ax ;lssessor ar,d Co1lector of "Caies uf Llle Cii:y <br />of Ilaris is hereby ci.irected to list a.ll luts, t.racts und i,roperty situatecl <br />in said annexed territories on Llie ta;: of the c;ity vc 1'aris and Iiere° <br />after -to assess same fo~: ta;:es in accorcl~~nce ~~Jicl~ la~~~. <br />Sectiori J. T)11S orclinatlce sliall uecome ef fec tive upon final p;)ssaye. <br />Introduced a t a regular rneetin; u.IL: t11e Ci ty Cuuncil uri 1-eLruary u, <br />19b4. <br />Finally passed ancl adopted this JA aay uC JA <br />. <br />f.layor <br />ATTEST: <br /><7,' <br />Cii:y Clerk. <br />APFROVED AS TU FuRM: <br />~ City A-ttorney. <br />