c~ i~r~ r ~.►r~ 1 I~Z: t l,. 1311
<br />,'11] (.)RUlll:kiILL ;UIIIIi::I:lY;~ ;1Ii;!1T'f1ldi; nfiD Af?UI'I.'I-Fr1J
<br />T1,I Li11,1/1(3 O:)LIIJTY, 'lZ;.AS L'IIHG ADJACLIdT T!.' Tk11: l:irf l i- ivii2IS I TL::11~, :iil; , ;',ili) A~;
<br />f1 PART C P S:1IU t;7:'fi' t:F i-';iitl'ciI i]:•:TEIIDT1!!-I 'fIL 1;`,.'Ui!DAi;'t' 1.11 11'1`.i (T 'flE' IF
<br />PJ1RIS SO !\:i "P"' Ii;CI..U11L :11IJ 5AI;.7 :d-)J:'~t:ci!'f -i"c:li;.J_T:12Y3 U'I1FE:(:O.i;, A1.,L
<br />_IZiU1i'TS, I`i:IJJ:L.I:6'i::i ,1lill Ui'_ ii 1'1~: 1)ilU1GI'I',i1J1'`~ i., :1
<br />TERRIR;iZY, C::TL1•iU111':_; 'i'ilii :i' .1:i 'i':'
<br />S'1-ECIf'1LU R)It1'I(;IJ ~_1' :i;lll) ii:t'1'Il;i_i 1ii :.i,1i;: :1:1
<br />CJAlZll OIdE DF 5;1]:ll t:'1'1"i, T1L L, t!;li).F ',:\:J i':;U`{ 5.6 T,
<br />AIIU IIJCLUDE ;1 StLCIFlED R'(ff1_IJ . i- ::;1ID it',' :'~i!t) 'I,;"t7.;;.~ f~iC
<br />snr:E II] 'vJAIW 1'uU4: ;_F 6,`dll V].'1"f, i':t; 'J1U.ll'a:~ "Cf1;11 1L1.. I ;ti.)liLliP:;T;~,
<br />T1,015 Aljli LfV!J 111 ijl'i'L:(;l .l.ll fHL: LITY ~ l' i1:5) 11!A1 1.11~~ 1:1:1Ji_U
<br />Itd PULL FURG13- illlll L:f:i:11:C:T lid S/1Ill "i'EIt1ZTT.l(.`i ,i;-1713ii
<br />51TtUG'fIllG TIIC C7:'1:L•i;C1il;EliC, T~.. i2,I:L-' ;i :;1.!:Cl'L-Y jl.U :~.l;llv';li'i'
<br />LZI,iITci UF EiAlv CI'f'i' li; Ill1U:%;1'I'll :iii:) "1_ :-j' ;i:~'ii:Ul;'i' i
<br />FILE S:1i,lC LiI'1'II TIL i;li'`i l:l;i:Rl: ;1I]'ll T:+ U:ti;G~;'f 'i'lli TlIE C1!'`; _'r
<br />AUU :>UCII '1'L1 1i,if'.;It'i '1111:iZETO; A1Jll ]:1:5'1i1,UC'1'IHJ 'l;;L Cl:i"i iWJL:JJ:~~i ~,iJu ~~_~LL.i:C;'1• Ii
<br />t F Tl1:CE5 'D_' LtS'1' ;ILL i`It+..ii"i:ltl'Y '1'IIF.ii:II-11; ,iili 11.1:;11_ i: l'11 I1ic I'A;: i'l''Ll~_i '1:
<br />CITY C!I' 1'1\IZIS A[iD Il-'.;L;T-I'E;Z A.7:7E5J 10l1; "r;'u'.fJ:I 1.i1 i1(;(:: ::lillii~~:: .:1 'il!
<br />13E IT LRU,1iifLll I3Y '!'}IE CITY CaUIlC].L I.`F TiL'; G.l'fY t I- CA1113:
<br />Sectioti 1. T1iri l; tlic fvllowin- ~ clescrilhcc] Lc;.rri tor;, in La~ ;.-.3r i:- 'jrlt; ,
<br />, 'fexasi lyiny adjiiceirl: Lo tlhe i)resc:iil; hnuuiur_ir;~ l:LI-!:LI;s (.4 Llic Lil;•,- ;)i
<br />a►id Lhc SaIIIC 1.°i 110-1'01hy 81"1IlE:Y.ECI j;~~ -tl1(3 Li t'j% Ol 1'a2'lS oTId il~ll l:l ~ ~C~~. ll11:C! 1C.'
<br />corporai:ion of such {.,i_'~,•, arlcl is llere;,-,. ;:iadc arieJ c- us ti 1Lute(_l a ;"art '111:J :0,; oii
<br />of the City of i'aris anc4 tli:: 'Boundrary l,i;,lli:s c:.f I,iic Li L; c,i :'aris arc ;~r::i•c;~•;-
<br />extended so as tcI 3.wclucle and emi)race sa:u.l tr.xrito_c~~- a>>ci to aonforii to sa;tu as
<br />lierein set out, tu-wi-t:
<br />'
<br />I}EGITJ1dI;IG a-t a p:~i.n-t in Clie ;>rese;ii: E. _13. l.a_ne ~)i the city li:,::its c~
<br />-tlle Ci-ty of Paris, s;.i:i_d p;.-Jr1L bciny, <'_OC? 1ec L E,1s L. : l;iie F--. 13. 1_irie c-r ''Otii
<br />H. E. S-treet at; clic pc~int; wliere a.lino p,°,;jnCtnCl cl~_~c easl; from i;he il. Liiie
<br />of East TLidor Street in1:ex•secLs said L. 13. Line o: t;ie (;ity Li:~tits; 'ihenc:.,
<br />Eas-t appruximaLely ;1'000 L(>>et -tn a poi_nt 00 icet Easl; c f tlie E. L. of
<br />25th IJ. E. S-Lreet; Tlience Sc,utli ai:,pro;:i;iiacel, 'o() fect, a p(Ant "Uf) Ice-L id reli
<br />ot= the IJor-l:li I3~,unclary T_ine of Ea s t Cliexry 51;rce L; Thcnce cast <<ppr(,>:hm1;r_-11
<br />2425 feet to a point 600 ieet East ~:e thc F-a5t I3eund'tr,, !_.;ne of 301;h :ati'CCti U.
<br />E,; Tlience SouL-li apnro;:i;,ial;el. ~.:UO rcet; to a;~~,irrl, lUUUfeet id.-rth of t}ie ii(.rtll
<br />lioundary Li.ne oi U. S. ll'Ljln-ray ~Lii,iar Avern.,.e pre:jccl:ecl)3 Tlience Eas~ apprur,"j.-
<br />mately 1.025 feet, inllouin<; a line pala1J.nl tritli :anu .1000 icel; il- rl:li of saicl
<br />lJorth I3uundary Liiie of U. S. llighway 1L• .to a 1_,c,.ini: ::_i)p feet L'asi; uf a liiie
<br />projected due 11,,r-th fror:i -the EastT3t.,uncJa.ry Line of a C!?1111ty road., }-Jliicli roa(l i.s
<br />couuaonly !cnovm as L. ver's Lane tAlich r>>ns St.utli fi,mi U. S. Iliqhl"fay t;• U. S.
<br />I{igliway 971; Tlience '1)'ouL-h,a-L1000 fce-t pass'L'r. said iJi rth Bt.undaiy .Lir,c of U. S.
<br />}iighway Z~2, con tiriuim; in a sc>u l;iierly uii(_-c C:i.on ui th a line 200 fee L Las L(.-f
<br />and parallel v1itli tlie i::eanders of i;he East I3ounc!ary Line of said L-;vor's LzinC
<br />~ to a point in the Soul:l► 13-.,unc#ary Line uI U. S. Ifigln,ray :''rl, Clari:svillc Stree-L
<br />extended; Tlience iii a ti°resterly direc-tion ciitli tlie 5,,+_rth Boundary Line of sai.c.~
<br />U. S. Eiighway 2*71 apprvximately ?500 feet to the iaost eastez•ly il. rth Eas L C: rner
<br />of the presen-t ci Ly liriii l: lines of the Ci L-y oI 1'aris cc;rrl;inuin~j 1[l a c:es texly
<br />direction with the S. L3, Line of said l;o S. 1-li+jhway 271 an(J the presciJL city
<br />lirnit line for an adclitiunal distance of apr>roxii:)ately 1360 fcet, an ell corrier
<br />in the present city lii,iit lines; Thence 1Jort17 rvi th t;lie presen t L'-a st ci ty 1i:.u_ l;
<br />line of the City of ;'aris; '1'l~eiice ldurth appro;:iciately 4;00 feet, an il. E. curnex
<br />of the present ci-ty lir:li-ts; Tlience i~les t appror.ii-;ate1y ,2000 fee t, ari ell curner
<br />in the present cit;r liinits; Thence Ilc:rth vritli tlie presenl: eastern ci1;y liiniL
<br />line approximal:ely 800 feet to tlie placc of beginnin<j.
<br />