Tlie inliabi-tantS C!lt}llll saiel anne;:eci tea.•r:ttrr; - ar.e ancl s;iall hr,z•eai L.e.r
<br />be en-Li-tlecl t(D enjo,- all the riglits, j).rivilc(_;es 1111(l tic> ()I citizens c f
<br />the Ci-ty of j', and all lati'rs, orclinances, rules, res:~lutic~ns, aci:, ancl re_;u-
<br />la"L1O11S Of .°i81d G1 L}' f]:Iw lfl fC)x'CC lfl ia.lCi Ll'Cj bi 1'aI1~ , a11C~ thcZ. t ]!lc7 j :l(-, 11CTE`-
<br />after passed, sliall_ he and are i_n i'ull Force and cfi'ecL- in saicl ter.ritory
<br />hereby annexecl and acliaitcec.l.
<br />Section T'hat the presenl: ?otmdar.ies of 1larcl : nc of the Cii;y oP
<br />Paris be, and the same are }'ere})y, extcndied sc) as to er.i;)xacc and ;.r1cludet.;ii:hirl
<br />said 1'lard une tl~at 1rJrt'ton of tlie lie.reirial.)uve descri!)ecl pruper-ty ~-Aiich .l_ics
<br />Suuth of U.- S. Ilicilir,lay L12- (,iar Avenue e;;tencle(#), Zand the sai,ie Is
<br />corporated in said llard t ne ef tlin CiLv of Ilar:LS; l:hat the nreseni; uoIMIcia~-ies
<br />of i`lard roux or Llie City oi !'a.ris be~ ancl the sai;ie are here!-)y, exi;enc:led so cis
<br />to embrace ana includc rii Lhin said Uard F(_ ur that j)UL'I;lOTl of the iicrcina';ovc
<br />described property tAiicli lies Ii(;.rtli of Lt. Ilijli~:ay :>2 (La:;la.r Avenue extenclecl
<br />and the sarae is ]iere?)y incorporated in Clarcl F,_ur of the City of i'aris.
<br />Sec-L-ion 3. Tiie Ci-L-y Enuineer is hemby instructed to r,lal:e a comple Le
<br />survey of the ahove dc>cri;)ed {;er.ritory ancl -L;, i:ia.rl: the boundaz'1CS t}1e1e0f I?y
<br />proper inoilLiments; and to survey, esta; and c,pcn, unc:lcr the <:li.reci:ir,n uf
<br />the City l.ianayer, all streeLs, roa(Is, a.lleys and ua;r> in sa i.c1 1;erri Lory clr,d.i-
<br />cated to public use; and to rnal:e ancl :file rri Lh Llic (;:i. ty Cler.l; ci c:: nj)le~i;e r:;rip
<br />of said nevily annexed. Lerrit:ory shct-rin; a1l pr(ipeIty lines, 1+ -Ls ancl (;:racl:s
<br />tllerein, toUei;lier k-:il:h -the naiiies c,f the c,t-mers ~;P sa;ac, ai)(l all streeLs, al-
<br />leys, roacis ancl w~ys, dcc:licaLed to puOlic use; aiid tn i.;x!(~cliately cc,ixcct: tlie
<br />nap of the City of 1'aris sc; as tu acicl f,herrll-o acl<_'.itional tcrx•:itur.;,
<br />described herein, inxlical;:m-j aii such ixa1, the (Ilate c~anne;:atic:n, i:he rna;.i')e:,
<br />t}'1C OTd1C1clIlC@ i111U -reie:rence -'L-.u the'S r~r OT(altlclflCC Y'CCoTda (!:l L11C
<br />Paris vJhere sucli ins 1;rui:ient is recorded in fu11.
<br />Section 4. Tlle City 'I'ax ilssessc;r and C: llect-or of Taes .,i ~i~:~ C:i
<br />ou Paris is herei.)y c3iiectecl Lo list all l_t,,, t.raets anci ;,ruperi.y sil:uacecl
<br />said annexed te:cri L-or.•, c,n l:iie tar, rulls :f t;ie (;i t,~ ni : ari:> Li nc! liez•c:? ~e7• l:r)
<br />assess same for ta;:es in accoa:dance Ivifih larr.
<br />~ Section 5. This ::cciinancc sliall become ei:ec-tive up;)n fi.nal
<br />n Introduceci at a rejular nee tin~ o:f the CJ. L--;t ,unci.l :n i;lie (la;.
<br />u f .o'!.~^'~-`~►'` _
<br />Passec3 arid ac'.c;)teu L'liis cla;- oi LA
<br />ATlEST:
<br />1
<br />,
<br />City Clerk. '
<br />APPROVEV AS TI) I1'R11, l:
<br />.
<br />CIT~ AT1111- 1114EY.
<br />