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r ~ <br />URllIIdANL'E 14iTI4'll3ECi. 1 238 <br />,AI, <br />AD1 OR17IA]APdCL; I11ITlIu:111r7, Ai7'i!:I'rTIPJG 11Ni7 !1?CO,?.P')IZA'i'.T.HCr 11llUITIOIT <br />TERRITOI7Y TPd LAi"Nt CUtJII'.CY LYIl,'G .lll)JAGE1dT 'i'0 THL CI'rf 0: i'ATtIS, TLXAS, <br />INTO III`!.C) AS A PAIZT OF aAIi) CI''Y UF F'I1111S, E;Ti;r;l)Ii1t; `lIiL 130IJI1DAFZS' LT.(,.'!I`l'S OF <br />Tiil, CT'i".f UF I'AIZIS SO 1~5 ''0 II•lCLLDL f'~IID i~,Pil3Pt11Cl; S?III; 1'~!)J_'~C~~?T TTr:tTl'Ji~.r, <br />CO1~:FLTi}~I~1G ~1LL RSGII`rS, I'I~I81LliGL~ 1%T,IU I?'`D:tUI1I''I i'S Ol~ C:~_TI7I~1IS;iIi' UPON Till~ <br />I11I1A[3IT1lPI'rS OF S/1IU V'~RRI'i'OlZ}- 3 E::TE1•]l)I'N(} `.CI1E LZ()IJ1,11)iERTi?; O.i' V7~VZD C?fIL Ai1l) <br />tiYARn P'OUR SO 11il TO 01BR::CI; !1I•ID 1]~CLUllI:, 511:I:D `i'hR11ITM?i ,A.Nt) I1dCOR1'OI1L:!'TII:G <br />S/lP1[L IT1 1'VAR.i) OIdL'' AI1U 4'i:r4':"P, FOUR OF :iAIi*) Cl'I"i , 't'[lC)VI.I.)T3C' T=:.'1T ALL Ol'U:[IrAI`dCr i, <br />RULLS., RL''QULATTOIJS !1P•111 Ln.1"IS 111 L'F, fP 1;C7' 111 'CII?'' CI `i''i Of? I':11ZI> l1Il U T11AT ttllT ?I <br />11r'PIE:Tt TiE P11S SLD IM IPd I'ULL '_i'O:1CE M11) 1sFl.1I:_G'.C LP:i ~/ 'ils'['1~I''OFtI Ai~'lIs'~ i'L!SSh(;l'; 0:' <br />TiIIS ORDIt1AtdCF) IVST!?U1,~TII1G '111F CITY I,tdG:l:t:Is.lR' To ?:IA!C;; 11 SURvKC i~7YdrIG 11A?l) LS- <br />7.'AIiLISIIlP1G TIIL; B0UND01 L711l''S OI' SF1Ti) CI'1' 1:~? A(;CO;J)11I:CL IIERLMITIi ANID I'O COta- <br />STRUCT tl COT,'?PLLTL'' P:;,"iF OF SIJCII `l'ERR.I1rJRY SiIUi'J1:N(I ALLLY;i, L~ )'1'S ) '1'Rr,.i,1':~ <br />APJD P?tOPE;2'I'Y 07MI;RS ANID TO HLL SN.fE kti'I`l':{ 'PIIL C_LT`i CLERK AAID TO CUIiR:'CT TIIL M11t? <br />OZ-THE CTTY OF Y11:III5 SO '1S '1'0 1111D SU!;.I 'i'lsHIiITOHY `1'FIL'?ii,T03 A11D INS'1'110CMI('x '114E <br />CT'PY ASSESaOR ANJ) (;OLLECTOit 01+ 'i'AXES TO LIS'r 11LL PItOPLFtTY '1'IiEVEZPJ ,1?dU P:W1CT <br />SA14I; ON TIiE TAY RULLS OF TFiE CT2''i QF PAIZIS ANll IIlSFtLA;iTER ASSLSS SAML I'Of~. Tlty.ES <br />ID1 ACCORllAidCE VdITH LEIVV. <br />13E IT ORD.AINEU HY '1'iIE C:CTY COUtJCIL OF TIflls' C:I:T`!: OF' PARlS: <br />Section 1. Tliat tlie i.'ollowin;-; clescriL-ed 1;eriitor•;r in Lamar County, Texas; <br />ltiying adjacent to Lhe nresenl; boundar,y lirniLs ol the Citur of Paris Ue anci tl, e <br />same is hereby anriexecl to Llie City o1' Paris and admitted irito tiie corr>orat;ion <br />or sucli City~ and is herei ;y mac:je aaid consl;ituLect a r)art a.nd portion o.£ thc Ci.ty <br />o.C Paris ancl L}ie bourldarf lir,iits of tlie CiL,y? ol' 1'aris are Iicr~i_v e::tencied so <br />as to include and emurace said territoiy and to coiii'orr,i to svne as herein set <br />out, to-tivit; <br />Be-ainninn at Lhc pi'CSeI7''u cit;r liriiit;s, swne i,ein;-, the S. E. corner of <br />Bloclt T?o. lt, Brool;siclc: Adc.Li_t:Lon to thf_: i;i.t;; of Pai•is,, recorcled i.n Plat "ool: <br />1, Page 73, Larnar (;ollrity Rer-,rcis; i;he.nce IJortii 121'_30 reet, the S. B. line oi <br />Larriar Ave., continuin~; ori Tlorth 61U iee.L, tlie iritursecLi_ori oi t,he 21. D. li_ne o.l' <br />Lamar Ave. Svitil tlii: VT. 13. line ol Lovie I3eal px'UpeI.'LJ-, coritiliizinr; I:ortti at 50 <br />Feet, the S. L. corrier o.L' 1'L. A. r'richarcl lot, Lein~; l;iic 'rl. H. l:Lne o:L' Price <br />Street, eoritinuiiif-; tlortli ;~ax•allel i;o ancl 1115 Fec: t i:,a,,t o(' tille E. '3. line of' <br />, 25tli Street, TI. L. 10i0 Feet, t,he center Lne of' Cl.iez•iy Street; tlience VJest <br />crossin ; 25-th S t., t;. E., coritinuino- 4'lest plrallel to and 22260 Fec: t; Nortti oi <br />Cherry S-treet 1370 0'ee1:, i;'rie F)resent C;it,,° La_mit liiie; trience SouLli ~~ritti <br />present Lity limiL line to ttie I.I. D. l.ine of Price >t.; l,hence E.asl; -Vritli the <br />N. B. line of Price Stre(2t to tlie S. corrier o:f Ylade ?ark; 1;hence ?-'orth to <br />the N. VV'. corner-oi' Wade Parl_.; i;hr;nce Easi; to the 11. L. corner of b"ladc Par!c; <br />thence South -viith tlie E. B. line o{' 4'JadO ['arlc, crossin;; Price SLz•ept, to the <br />S. B. line o.f same; thence l-iest yvi tli the S. B. line ol' Pr•iae Streel; to the o1d <br />~ City limit corner; tlience South to the S. E. corner o:L' ti•rtiat tiras £orrnerly Irnovai <br />as the Patriclc liomestead; tlleilce Last vrii;11 tlii: Id. ]3. liiie oi' L.-anai• /1veilue Lo <br />the center line of 21at Jt.,'Tl. r.; thence Nor•th to tlie P,. tAl. cornez• o(' ttie 1Io7an <br />r Zwnber Yard; thence Last to Lhc: fd. E. corner of' said I:oaan ltunber Yard; thence <br />Sou-th to the S. D. line ol Lamar Averiue; tlience East witli 1;}ie S. B. lirie oi' Lvtiar <br />Ave. to. ttie present Cit;y lirnit corner; . thcncc, Goutli 187 I'ee L, an;ii1R C.i ty <br />limit corner; thence N+est to the E. B. :li_ne o£ 24th Si;., S. ti.; tlie.rice Sout'i to <br />an existing City 1inLil; corner; thence East to an eV.ist_inF City li.r:lit corner; <br />thenceSouth to the N. L. line oz' Broolcs~.d.e l,dditi_on• thence ]~ast r~dth tlic Pd. D. <br />/D r/~ <br />~theasterl3r clirec tion Tri.tli <br />! line o.fBroolcside Adciition, a cor•rieraFtiienceAolgi'a SN~ <br />the E. B. line of Droolcside Adciition to the Place o.f Leginriing. <br />The irdiabitants tiri.Lhin said annexc(::. territorr are asia shall hereafter be <br />entitled to enjoy all tlie rif;hts, pr:ivileges and ir,uminities of citizens of tlic: <br />Y ' City of Paris, ancl all laivs, ordinances,: rtiles~ -re5ol.utions, aci;s, and regula- <br />t, tions, of said city notia in .Corce in said Cit;~ of !'aris, ancl tliat ma;r be here- <br />~ after passed, shall be and are in full f orce and ef i'ect in said territory hereUy <br />Al anne:ced and aclmitted. <br />Section 2. That the present boundaries oi' 'llaz•a One ol' the Cl Uy o~ Paris <br />be and the same are tiereby extended so as to emUrace and include all tliat <br />portion of tlie above clesci:ibed territoiy and property lyin,- Soui;h of l;he <br />center line of, Lamar Avenue (U. S. lligliivay PIo. 82) and the same is hereby <br />incorporated in said tYard One of tlie Cit;r of Yaris; and that the present <br />boundaries of Ward Four oi the City of Faris be ancl t)ie are hereU,y ex- <br />tended so as to einUrace and include all thatportion of the above described <br />