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, . , <br />-Lerritory and property lyin ; North o1' the center line of Lainar Avenue <br />(U. U. Highrvay No. 82) and the same is hereby izicorporateci in said 'Nard <br />rour of the Cityo.f' :Paris. <br />Section 3. 1'lie I;nr;ineer is tie:reb,}T iiisi;riicUeil to malce a complete <br />surve;l of the above dcucribed territory and to marlc tlie boundaries thereo.f U„r <br />proper monurnents; aricl Lo survey, es tablish and operi, under the ctircc tion of <br />the City lvianat;er, a:L:L streets, roa<.ls, alle,rs ailci wa;,*s _i.n s-,id i;ei•r:it;oi;y c]ecli.- <br />ca-ted to puUlic use; ana to malce ancl 1'i1e ti•riL-ti tlic C.LL,r Clei•lt a coiliplete map <br />of said ncnvly aririexed 1;erritoz;y; a.ll Pz•operty liries, lota ai1c1 i;raeLs <br />therein, together tivitli the iiwies of i;hc: oti-niers of svne, ancl all street::~, alle;7s, <br />roads and vrays dedicated to pL1b1.7.C use; and 1;0 7.nimediaLely correct tlie map of <br />ttie City of Paris so as -to a.cld tliereto tlie addiLional i;errii;oi;,r described here- <br />in, inclicatinF; on sucli map tlie clate of ai111(:;;atJ.n11, Uhe nwnUer o1' i;tie orclinatice <br />and reierence -to Lhe iuinui;es oi• ox•airiaiice recorcls of ttie Cit;;• of Pai•is i-iliere <br />such instrument is recoraed in .full. <br />Section 4. Tlie Cit-y '1'a:: assessor and collcctor of tax,~s o1' tlie City o.L' <br />Paris is }iereb., cLirectecl to lis t all lo Ls, Lrt;c ts arici Proper t.y si tuatecl in <br />said annexed 1;erritory on t}ie tax rolls of tiie ::;]' 01.' 1'ar-is and liei•eal't:;r <br />to assess same f'or taxe;, :in accordatice vrii,',i law. <br />Section 5. Tliis orclinance shall beco,ne efFect:tve uPon f'inal passage. <br />Intr•oduced at a re,Filar meetitt« of tlie Ci t;yr Coulici:l of the Ci ty of P1ris <br />on April 9, 19.51, and passed ani approved, af'ter pub:Lication as urovidecl <br />in the Charter of the Ci ty of Paris, at a rc:gular m~eting of tlie Cii;v Couiicil <br />of the City of Paris ttiis the lli Ll~ da;~r of +ta,,~, 1951. ~ <br />ATTFST: <br />1, ayor ~ <br />Z~7__ <br />C1 y Cler <br />