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_ . } • . . . <br />olZuIlvjAy,1 cl~ r!v7~~~,!,~~ _1225. <br />(2 . y~~ ;~1 <br />I <br />AN OKllIIVAl`ICE !1I1T1 ~si1::1 iG , ~Llii ~11"L'TI•'.C 1!'!`%l~;;l'Uit,; ('Tllf: <br />'1'IOrJAL '1'LttFtl'i'Of.lY Tl•: Jht ~Al.Z COUII'1'Y LYTI1r: 1d),XxCEP1T 'CU CI'1'Y UV <br />~U A~ j:`1i r1.3 ~l p ;~1.1ll ( 1.')' UI' I'~"+IIIb, i~'~ti- <br />II~i~1 <br />PL1KT:> , 'i'.i~Xll ' <br />TETRUINCT 'l'IIip, POUfTOlRY LIT'17-3 UF `I'Fli. CITi ffiO ;0 A"> 't'u <br />IPICLUDL Ndl) I~~iL~.FZ11C~~~ .3r1Tll AUJl1CIerd'1' 'lLL <br />RIC,HTS, rItIVILEG;e;~ iV~t) ]T '1r1j117T1: OF CITI 1{,i, 3I SP lr} 0;? `rl;:~ li'E .113- <br />I`i'I1IV`i',~ OF' '3)'1ID T~~JIiRI`CUIZY I3t,1 ~'f),,'t51 UF ':r11~Zi~ :~U <br />A:~ `'0 ~I,iBR!'iC7~~ ili';i) :LI~dC!~l.)D~.: ''~1111ZT'1'NRff I1:;~!:I;FOR'l'1'T[!CT ;h il"E <br />lIJ ';a`11.T',D OIIE Uli IN:LD C1:`:17, I 'ROVIl7Ii•K= t'1LL (,',;UII' 1NTC':,"~, FZUL <br />RLGULATIUN,:') AND L;1V0 IT; i'ECT II; 'I'I' 1; CI`i' r O1? I'iLITZIJ OD `I,1, AT <br />tiAY Ii~±,'Ii~~~Ai:i"1'ER PL 1:~ 3'.:1LD ~3E Itl n'LL FUi`C~~~ A"':ll II'i .~ATt) <br />TORY AF'TER PI16320._1; 0j-" TH7_J C)R0II*I0CL~ T;!;?~Rlr;slTiJG 'DIT~?, ClIPi i1oil;C,I- <br />I~ILLR TO I~.IAI~L SUiE~TEY 1I:L:CI•iG r~1;17 , 1_3T Af3LI,:SF1.l1~TG tI'~~, i3ULiNU!1RY <br />LTNII'PJ OF ;ATD CITY II1 :1C",ORM"d-1i;L I' ,ItE;;T`l1I 11T!) Tu COi:a_)T'RLTC`l' A <br />COT, TL E`'E 11AY Oi'' jUCH TER_RI`.CURY JU 0 "dl111 CT .~`iY, 'i' ALL1!;Yj , LO'i',.i , <br />TRACTS A14D FROPI,RTY I,I•Tll Tu I+'I_L7_' J,'V:L ';"T`I'll TIi~ue CI'P"T; <br />AV,D ITJ~ ~TRUCTITZG Ttil',' G'1:'!'Y l1S.3L3_;OIt M~;D CULL.iiG`POIZ Oli' T!L;~I,"`3 'i0 <br />LI:iT ALL PRO?''~+',i?'.'' `'Fi:VREIH M:U 1.'LACL; p UI? `.l'1:~ RULLJ' UF <br />TIIL CITY OF PARI; ~1~~ll c:.;-1,~AF`'.:~i. t ~~.~J,~~~~ :~'.1~~ ~'tt ;j,s Ir1 f'~ccor.D- <br />ANcL vrl2~i LAtiv. <br />BE IT ORDAINED I3Y TI-iL CITY COUNiCIL U.L+' `I'I±:i~; C:L`.C'Y GI+' I'_"RI~3: <br />Section 1. '1'hai; t►1e follo:1Jin.r=, described Lerritory in Lar.iar <br />Count,y, Texas , ad jacent to the present boundar,y limits of the <br />City of Paris arid ad joining said city, be anJ the same is hereby <br />annexed to the City of Palis ana admitted inLo the corporai;ion <br />of such city, aizd is hereb;r rriade arid co:zsi;itv.ted a part aiia poi- <br />tion of the City o1' Taris ana the,y limits of.' t;tie Gi_t.y of <br />Paris are hereby extencled so as to include and emrrace said i;er- <br />ritory and to conforni to same as tierein set out, to-wit: <br />FIR-ST TRACT: <br />I 1~:~ , jG at tl.~e iiiters .,ection o~' the . litze <br />C=~tII~ -c.t. <br />of -tlie College IIeinhi;s Addi Liozz with tJZe Tl . P. liize of T. P. <br />R. R. right of iria,y, saine being an existi.nv; CittT limit corner; <br />thence Vdest tvith V. 13. liiie of T. 1'. R. R. rif7ht of vaay line <br />,1120 feet, the E. B. liile of OI'lr';1118.J_ C1.tV Liinits ; thence with preseni; <br />,City1:'L•imi.tb as follows: 11ortll 730 :Ceet, a cortier; therice 1~~zst 100 <br />feet, a corner; tllence IJortli 150 ieet, a corner; thence ~:e.,t 100 <br />feat, a corner; i;lience 14orth 150 :Ceet, a corner; tlieilce ;;ast <br />880 feet a corndr, i;lle L. L'. line of 19th 3~Lreet, ; Ltlollce <br />~outh 224 feet a corner; tYierice ,",ast; 127.5 feet, a corner; tftence <br />rdorth 224 feet; -a corner; thence Lasi; 1060 fcet, a corner, t.he <br />';,r. B. line of I~do;,es i 'ivenue; Lllence i~4ort11 240 I'ee1;, a corner, t;he <br />3. L+'. corner of 13arney L'ray property; thence `est 100 feet, the <br />VV. cornor of 33arne,v rjray rroperi:y; thence 500 feet, <br />the S. 131 line oi' Clarlcsville "3treet; ttzence irl aSoutYieasterly <br />direction with tl-ie J. 1'.. line oi' C'larlcsvi].le 31;reet 165 f.eet, the <br />E. B. line of Noyes l,venue; thence -jouth vritl.i I*,O. line of I;o,ves <br />Avenue 1200 feet, a corner; thence ';iest 9£30 feei; tvit}1 ttle TT .13. <br />line of,Jacltson Jtreet;, a corner ; thence Jouth,600 feet to t}Ze <br />place of beginning. <br />SEC OT,'M TRAC'1' : <br />Reginning at tlie EP. corner of the L?rookside <br />Addition, same being i:he mo3t; Lastez'n 11. co7•ner of the existing, <br />City Limits; thence ;>outh 900 feet i;lle J. Tj. l.ine of Clarksvi].le <br />Street, also desiFllated U. S. Hi~:hU;a;,r Ao. 271,~d the plesent "IiL.y <br />Limits; thence with ??resent City Lirrii.ts 1•1art.hs:,.,est 750 feet, a <br />corner ; thence N-o.rth 2130 feet, a corrier; thence Iest gi0 feet, a <br />corner; thence Ilortli 2_50 f'eet, a coriier; thence in can ~a~~terlv <br />direction 780 feet to tb.e place oi' Ue,71T1llJ.T1A;. <br />