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The inhabitaiits v,ii;hin annexecl i,erritorv are and <br />sliall hereafter be ertt;itlad to enjoy a11 Lhe rinhts, ]lrivileges <br />and immunities ot' citi ;ens oi' t}le uiLy c,i' 1'n.ris, aiid all lavis, <br />ordinances, rul.;s aii(I rcgulal:ions iiow in force in said Cit.y of <br />Paris, and thcit rlay he liereai't^r 1>aaaea, shaJ_1 be ana are iil <br />full 1'orce and effect in said territory hereby annexed and <br />admitted. <br />Seetion 2. `I'tia~ tr,.e present; bourictaries of :arcl One of the <br />C:ity of Iaris Ue alici the sanie are tierebsi ext,ended so as to <br />embrace and the above described territory and pronerty <br />and same is hereby iricorporatecl i!i saicl -ara Une of the City <br />of r'aris. <br />Secl;ion 3. `i'he Ci.ty Enf;ineer is hereb,-y instructed to r.lake <br />a complete surve,y oi' t;le abovP desci ibed territor,y anct to marlc <br />the boundaries i;ltereof by proper monuments; anct to survey, <br /> and open, under the direc Lion of the City l;lanager, , all <br />streets roads alleys ana -,~;avs in saicl terribory aeaicated to <br />public use; ana to r-iake arid i'ile vaitih the Cit,yr Clerk a complete <br />map of said nevjly an.nexed Lerrit;or,y shovaing all pronert,y linbs, <br />lots and trac-ts i;herein, to(,y;ether with the na! -les oi' th_e owners <br />of same, ancl all streeLs, a]_1e.ys, roacis ailri ;~,:a,TS dedieated to <br />public use. <br />~ Section 4. `l'}ie Cii:y tax asst'ssor atict col.lector of taxes <br />of the Cit.y ot' !.'aris is hereby directaa i;o lisL all lots, tracts <br />and, propexty situatca in said anne ;ed ter.ritor;r oii the tax rolls <br />of the City of 1'ari~, azid hereafter to assess same for taxes in <br />accordance vritli lava. <br />aection 5. `.I'}iin ordinance shall. Lecome eft'ective unon i'i►Zal <br />passage. <br />Introduced aL a re!,;ular meeting of the CitST Council of the <br />City of raris on June 26, 1950, and pas.,ed and apuroved, afte;r <br />publication as prov,ided in the Charter of the Gity of k'aris, at <br />a regular meetint; ot the City i%ouiitil ot' the U5.ty of .E'aris ttl-is <br />~ the IZZ day oi' Auf;ust, 1950. <br />ATTL~3T : "DA a,yor . . <br />7~I 7?~`~-/ <br />Ci.ty Clerk <br />