<br />TEXAS:
<br />Section 1. That the findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby in all
<br />things approved.
<br />Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Paris does hereby deem it advisable to re-
<br />establish and continue a Main Street Advisory Board, to act in an advisory capacity to the City
<br />Council in relation to the City's participation in the Texas Main Street Program, with said Board
<br />to consist of seven (7) voting members and four (4) alternate members to serve staggered three
<br />(3) year terms as hereinafter established. A quorum to conduct all business shall be four (4)
<br />voting members, including any alternate members designated as voting members as hereinafter
<br />provided.
<br />Section 3. That alternate members as designated by the presiding officer by lot or other
<br />means, sha11 serve as voting members in the absence of any voting member, with full authority
<br />to participate and vote and establish quorum; provided, however, the number of voting members
<br />shall never exceed seven (7). Alternate members not serving as voting members shall be entitled
<br />to participate in the activities of the Board but unless designated to serve in the capacity of an
<br />absent voting member, sha11 not be entitled to vote nor to establish quorum.
<br />Section 4. That Zack Saffle, Linda Suarez, David House, Suzy Harper and Barbara
<br />Wilson, be and they are hereby, reappointed to serve as voting members and Bill Kirby and
<br />Jennifer Long, be and they are hereby appointed to serve as voting members of the Main Street
<br />Advisory Board for terms of one (1), two (2), and three (3) years beginning August 1, 2004, and
<br />ending July 31, 2005, July 31, 2006, and July 31, 2007, respectively; provided, however, that
<br />each of the voting Board members sha11 determine, by the drawing of lots, two (2) members
<br />whose first full term sha11 be one (1) year in duration, two (2) members whose first full term sha11
<br />be two (2) years in duration, and three (3) members whose first full term sha11 be three (3) years
<br />in duration, and the staggered three year terms thereby established shall thereafter be maintained.
<br />Section 5. That Bailey Gant, Pike Burkhart, Sr. and Renee Harvey, be and they are
<br />hereby, reappointed to serve as alternate members and Dienna Roberts, be and she is hereby
<br />appointed to serve as alternate member of the Main Street Advisory Board for terms of one (1),
<br />two (2), and three (3) years beginning August 1, 2004, and ending July 31, 2005, July 31, 2006,
<br />and July 31, 2007, respectively; provided, however, that each of the alternate Board members
<br />sha11 determine, by the drawing of lots, one (1) alternate member whose first full term sha11 be
<br />one (1) year in duration, one (1) alternate member whose first full term sha11 be two (2) years in
<br />duration, and two (2) alternate members whose first full term sha11 be three (3) years in duration,
<br />and the staggered three (3) year terms thereby established for alternate members shall thereafter
<br />be maintained.
<br />Section 6. That, if any appointment is not timely made, a member or members sha11
<br />continue to serve until reappointed or until a successor has been appointed.
<br />