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MINU"I,E'S Ol,"I'1-IE REGULAR MI:ETING OF THE PARIS F('ONOMl(' <br />DEVCLOPMC{,NT CORPORATION <br />Junc 16, 2004 <br />"I'hc 1'aris l;conomic Development Corporation met in regular session on <br />Wcdiicsday, Junc 15, 2004, 4:00 1'.M., at Naris J1-mior C'ollcgc, E3obhy R. <br />Waltcrs npplicd "I'cchnology Buil(iing, Room 1206, 2400 Clarl<svillc St., Naris, <br />'I'cxas. [)ircctor Mil<c Dunn called the meeting to order with thc lollowing <br />[)irectors present: Sims Norment, Richard Severson and Rodney l3ass. nlso <br />present were l'_'xecutive DiY-ector Gaiy Vest, Assistant Dir-ector, I?ril< IZoddy, <br />Mayor ('urtis F'endley, Tanis Hager, Intcrim City Manager- "I'erry "I'ownsend, <br />City Attoi-ney I,arry Schenlc and Assistant C'ity Clerl< Sherian Dixon. <br />i)ircctOr I)Imn called foi- appr-oval of'the minutes fi-om the May 19, 2004 PFDC <br />mcctin(1,. Uircctor Norment made a motion lo approve the minutes, which was <br />sccondcci by I)irector F3ass. 'I'he motion carried unanimously. <br />I)irector [)unn called foi- the iinancial report and Gene Anderson, Finance <br />I)irector (or thc C'ity ofi Paris, camc forward. Mr. Anderson stated the sales tax <br />was up slightly in Jw1e and had becn up foi- the past 5 months which was agood <br />economic indicator. I[e stated that the sales tax was up over all 1`%o over last <br />year. l le said in the Cash Flow Statement, there were no unusual itcl»s to <br />rcporl. I)irector Severson made a motion to accept the Financial IZcport. <br />I)irector f3ass seconded the riiotion and it passed unanimously. <br />[)ircctor Dunn called foi- the Director's report and Executive Director, Gary <br />Vcst, came iorward. He indicated that he and Ei-il< Roddy met with Jim Gage, <br />thc Sati-a [,ce plant manager, last weel< and learned that thcrc will bc an <br />cxpansion at thc plant which will cmploy about 108 peoplc. }-Ic continucd that <br />there wil( also be a one million dollar expansion of the physical, brick and <br />mortar part of the plant foi- needed space foi- a particular line thcy arc adding. <br />l ic i-cminded them that Sara Lee was the second largest employer in Paris. <br />Mr. Vcst said they had also been meeting with We Pacl<, who is lookin-p, to acld <br />a possihlc hwidred thousand squarc foot to thcir plant on thc Loop. I lc saici thcy <br />