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have been cxploring the loans funds tllat PEDC has access to, C'hapman <br />IZcv0lvin~ I,oan I"und that does a maximum loan of $250,000 ancl thc l~,cuno~~>>c <br />Ocvclopmcnt Administration Rcvolving Loan Fund that is also $250,000. Ilc <br />saici thcy have tlle applications for these loans and are waiting for I)avici Owens <br />o[' Wc Pacl< to let them 1<now ifi thcy want to pul-sue that. <br />I Ic and l;ril< have also tall<ed again with Olivia Johnston ot'E3riggston-McGill <br />ihat camc to the meeting. Mr. Guest said they have not reccived any financials <br />ancl are waiting [or fiinancials before they go ahead with anything, so that project <br />is still on hold. <br />Mr. Vcst said thcy will be meeting with Loss Mitigation Serviccs, who are <br />intcrcstcd in possibly building a warchouse in thc Industrial Parl<. I Ic; rclatcd <br />that "I'odc1 Stephens said they will be poring concrete for the strccts in lhe <br />Industrial Parl<, next weel<. He inciicated they have had sevcral mcctings with <br />"1'XU on getting the electricity in, now that the TXU has done thc cniiincering <br />worl<. Mr. Vest said tlley have had sevet-al meeting with Soutllwestern Bell <br />about glctting the telephone servicc in. He did say the only onc hc was not <br />mal<ing progress with was TXU Gas, but thcy were trying to get that clone. <br />Mr. Vcst mentioned that C-Tech has contacted several builders in the area and <br />are sccl<ing to awar-d that bid very quicl<ly. <br />1 Ic rcmindcd thc C'ommission about the joint mceting with thc C'ity and (`ounty <br />conccrningI Iighway 271. Hc submittcd a formal proposal to 'I,xDO'I' about tllc <br />icasibility of' 1-Iighway 271 being toll viable. Mr. Vest tall<cc1 to f3ohby <br />Littlcliclcl o1''1'xD0T about the project. <br />Mr. Vcst said he would be in Austin next weel< to attend some "1'exas l;conomic <br />l)evelopment Council meetings and, sincc the TxDnT Commission meets on <br />"1'111-Irsday, and "I'yler is mal<ing a formal presentation for a loop aroumd "1'yler, <br />Tom Mullins, his friend from 'I'ylcr, has asked him to stay over and attencl that <br />mecting. 1 Ic will then bc able to meet the two new commissioncrs, onc f'rom El <br />I'aso and onc fi-om the Valley. Bobby Littlcfield had also givcn Mr. Vcst the <br />