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hanciles all the toll ieasibilities and pass through tolls, and Phillip IZusscll, who <br />is in charge of the 'I,exas 'I'urnpil<c nuthority. <br />Mr. Vest admitted that the prospect activity had been a little slow, but it was <br />slow all ovcr 'I'exas right now. <br />Dircctor Dunn callcd for considcration of and action on approving the nnnual <br />Plan o[' Worl< outlining the activities, tasl<s, projects, and programs to be <br />undertal<cn by thc Board durillg the fiscal ycai- 2004-2005. <br />l"xecutive Director- Vest brought the PEDC's attention to the Annual Report. <br />Ilc inciicatcd therc was a good advcrtising campaign fior 2003-2004, which <br />generated quite a f'ew leads. 'I,he leads thcy got from tradc shows mostly camc <br />fi-om the Food & Pacl<aging 'l'radc Show. He said thcy also advcrtiscd in <br />difTcrent magazines. He explained this year, the PEDC will not advertise in any <br />ol'those publications, as a cost cuttingmcasure. He went on to say thcy will do <br />some direct mail campaigns and will continue to be in the busincss ~uides in <br />[)allas. I le reminded them that the billboard is still up on Interslate 30 anci thcy <br />plan to 1<cep that up 1or this next ycar. <br />Mr. Vcst rclated that he and Erik attended several trades shows on cii('fcrent <br />inclustrics and that thcy also belonged to several associations ancl groups that <br />thcy cjcal with on a regular basis. <br />Accorcling to the report, thei-e were seven (7) prospect Ieads which gencrated <br />thrce (3) visits. He indicated the report was just a summai-y of' 1<ist ycar"s <br />activity. I le mentioned some ofi the projects they came up with last year were <br />C-'fceh, ('ampbell's Soup, the Inciustrial Pai-lc, Hearne Street, anci the post card <br />mail ouL Iie explained that t11ey sent out about 20,000 post cards in a clirect <br />mail campaign, which generated quite a('ew leads. <br />M r. Vcst prescnted befiorc, during and after pictures ofi the progress on thc worl< <br />clone at the Industrial Pai-l< to date. He explained that because oi'somc C1i f'(iculty <br />in getting thc grades right fior t11e streets, the project has gone a litt(c slowcr than <br />it should, but the concrete is supposed to be poured next wecl<. E Ie continued <br />that whilc thc concrete is being poLired, they will be laying cc»ic1«it ~1nd PV(' <br />