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<br />At the time the Agenda was prepared, T U was offered the opportunity to prov de written <br />materials for inclusion in the Agenda packet in eply t the materials included from e Steering <br />Committee. TXU already has a copy of the Ste ring ommittee materials from anoth r city. In <br />response to that offer, TXU declined the oppor nity to include the materials, choosing to present <br />the materials for the first time at City Council's meet' g when this matter is delibera ed. TXU <br />would provide the materials for inclusion in the acket i the City Attorney agreed that y further <br />rebuttal material from the Steering Committee ould ikewise be revealed to TXU i advance. <br />Because of time contingencies, it was impossible to eve determine whether or not furth r rebuttal <br />materials from the Steering Committee could be orthco ing, and hence it was impossib e to agree <br />to TXU's request. As a consequence, the T U mat rials will not be available unt 1 the City <br />Council meeting. <br /> <br />Alternatively, TXU requested that the Ci y post one consideration of this matter until such <br />time as TXU could meet with City Council m mbers privately and individually to iscuss the <br />materials. It is the City Attorney's positio that t delay this matter essentiall to avoid <br />discussing it in a public forum is not conduciv with iving fair consideration to the issue and <br />allowing the general public the opportunity to h e an nderstanding of the issue. Con equently, <br />the City Attorney declined to agree administrati ely to delay consideration of the mat er. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />The City Attorney recommends the City Coun il adopt the attached resolution requiring <br />TXU to show cause regarding the reasonablen ss of i s existing T & D rates, inclu ing street <br />lighting service; establishing a procedural sche ule fo the rate review process; and iring and <br />directing legal counsel and consultants to revie TXU s rate information and represe t the City <br />on related appeals. <br />