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<br />TXU ELECTRIC STAN ING <br />MEMO ND <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />To: <br /> <br />Members of the TXU Electric St ding teering Committee <br /> <br />From: <br /> <br />Jay Doegey, Chair of Standing S eering ommittee <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />July 21,2004 <br /> <br />Subject: <br /> <br />Steering Committee Recommend Initiat'on of Transmission and Distri tion <br />Rate Inquiry <br /> <br /> <br />On July 16, 2004, the Steering Committee met d disc ssed the need for an inquiry int the <br />reasonableness of TXU's transmission and distri ution &D) rates set by the PUC in 2 01 in <br />anticipation of the start of retail electric competi 'on. T e regulated T &D rates are the ires <br />charges collected by TXU Electriç Delivery Co pany, ormerly Oncor. When the T &D rates <br />were approved by the PUC in 2001, they were b sed up n a projection made in 2000 0 costs <br />anticipated in 2002, rather than upon historic tes year c sts. Since the T &D rates were approved <br />in 2001, enormous changes have occurred, such s larg reductions in the cost of capita, large <br />reductions in TXU costs, mass TXU employee I yoffs, orporate reorganizations, and a complete <br />change in TXU affiliate transactions stemming om the sale of numerous assets and bu inesses. <br />As a result, the Steering Committee has reason t belie e that TXU's existing T &D rat s are <br />excessive. The inflated T &D rates are largely re ponsi Ie for the high cost of electricit for <br />street lighting and other off-peak load. Furtherm re, las year cities in South Texas took legal <br />action that precipitated a T &D rate proceeding i volvin Texas Central Company ("TC "). TCC, <br />the wires company, requested a $67 million incr ase, b the hearing examiner is reco ending <br />a $30 million T &D rate reduction. <br /> <br /> <br />The Steering Committee unanimously recom ende that cities pass a resolution t <br />requires TXU Electric Delivery Company (T U) to how cause why its T &D rate <br />not be reduced. The Steering Committee also uthor zed the retention of rate case <br />attorneys and consultants and intervention in any re ated appeal. Finally, the Stee ing <br />Committee approved a 10 cents per capita fee for 20 4 (according to the respectiv city's <br />population listed in the most recent Texas Mu idpal League Directory of Texas Ci <br />Officials. A model resolution initiating a rate rev ew is ttached. Also, cities passing thi <br />resolution should advise the Committee's rate ca e atto ey Geoffrey Gay and Committ e Chair <br />Jay Doegey of when your city has placed the res lution tem on the city council agenda nd <br />provide them a copy of the resolution. <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />c/o Jay Doegey, City Attorney. Box 90231. Arlington, T xas 76 04-3231.817-459-6878 (Metro 817) 265-3311. <br />FAX(817)459-687 <br />